Searching for you

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Niall let out the breath that he was holding. It was almost midnight and he had found himself wondering all the way to the starry skied beach. He was sitting on a small pier. His legs were slowly splashing in the water.

It has been more that 24 hours since he or the boys saw Harry. This island wasn't that big and nobody could find him. Well, Niall wasn't searching for him. Although his heart was yearning to run, run and not stop until he would again be in his arms.

He could hear music in distance. The second night of festivities were happening in a full blow. Everybody was having fun, except Niall. He couldn't understand why at the same time he was so hurt and angry at Harry that he never wanted to see him, but still he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Harry's embrace is the only place where he would like to be right now.

"I am so screwed." Niall looked up at almost full moon and spoke to it, because moon is the best listener. "I will forgive him what he did. I always forgive him everything. Why do I love him so much? Why does my heart hurt so much, that it feels like it could burst at any second? I want to punch his stupid face, but then I want to kiss it until it's all better. It's funny how he can break my heart, but it still beats. It still beats for him."

Small specks of water started to drip down on Niall's palms. When did I start to cry? Niall's body started to shake. He couldn't control his tears so he let them be. He let them flow and soak up in his skin.

Niall hugged his body and looked up at the ocean. The small waves were hitting his legs and moon shined on the rocky surface. The sea was reaching out to him. It felt like the water was saying to him that everything will be fine. It will be fine, won't it?

Niall's attention was brought to the direction of the party. He saw a dark figure approaching him. He tensed a bit and looked back at the water. After few minutes he felt a body sit down next to his. He didn't have to look to his side to know who it was.

"Hey." The voice next to him said in a quite whisper, that could be barely heard amongst the sound of waves crashing into each other and Niall's heart beating in his ribcage.

"What are you doing here?" Niall still refused to look up. He felt weird. He wanted to be alone. Just him, the moon and the ocean.

"I had to get some fresh air." The voice next to him said in a low whisper. Niall heard shoes being taken off and another pair of legs joining his in the warm ocean water. "Today has been a hard day."

"Ha. Was supposed to be the weekend of dreams." Niall let out a small and forced laugh as he continued to slowly draw circles in the water. "Two days of love and relaxation from all the drama of our life's."

"Yeah." Niall felt the body next to his moving closer to him. He could finally smell the strong scent of the collagen fully. It smelled like pine forest. Very intoxicating. Suddenly there was a head resting on Niall's shoulder and his body tensed for a second, before melting into the familiar scent.

"Why are you here?" Niall said in a slow whisper. Letting his body melt against the other man's body. "In this exact spot. Is this just a massive coincidence?"

"Not really, Ni." Niall felt the weight on his shoulder shift, so he finally looked at the other lad. His face filled with sadness and his eyes seemed red, like he too was crying. "I was searching for you, because I thought that you might need the same support that I do right now."

"I don't know, Zayn." Niall shook his head. He wanted to be friends with Zayn, but this was too weird and too soon. "I kinda had my heart ripped out not so long ago. I don't think that this is the time to mend our friendship."

"I know, Niall. And I am not trying to do that." Zayn smiled in Niall's direction and then turned his head up, so he could admire the beauty of today's moon. "I had the same fucking experience. So I just wanted to be with someone, with whom I can sit in a comfortable silence. I just don't want to feel alone right now."

DOES HE KNOW? ~ NARRY ✔Where stories live. Discover now