The Aftermath

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*Gudako's pov*

Everything was silent as we saw what appear to be the leviathan slamming Lartoria into the see with its horns. And a second later a screen appear before us announcing that Ceadeus my servant who've I haven't even ascended yet just defeated a fully ascended divine servant.

"H-how...? He defeated Lartoria..." Said Gudao with wide eyes as he looked at the results. I don't what I summoned but I am glad he is with me.

Suddenly a light filled the room signifying that our servants returned from the simulation.

*Ceadeus's pov*

When the light faded I was greeted with the sight of Gudao in shock who immediately ran for the Lartoria kneeling on the on the floor, Mordred was in shock that I defeated her father and the Kid trio had stars in their eyes as they stared at me in amazement. Gudako my master had a smile on her face but she was crying tears, tears of joy.

She ran immediately into me burying her face in my beard.

"Why did you challenge a fully ascended servant you idiot, you haven't even ascended once you idiot!" she shouted but her voice was muffled as her face was still in my beard as I held her slightly.

"Hehe anything else master?" I questioned with a smile on my face as she then furthered pressed her face in my beard.

"Jeanne Lily and Jack were right your beard is fluffy..." she muffled into my beard and luckily for us servants that were standing near her laughed at her response.

After we laughed for a bit I set master down before heading towards Gudao who was trying to comfort Lartoria. As I approached him Lartoria glared at me while Gudao stood in front of her defensively.

"I wish no harm boi I came hear to tell that it is ok to be cocky once in a while but you need to learn to never underestimate your opponents, so boi learn from this mistake and improve open it so you may be better next time." I told Gudao before heading towards the exit.

"Master I shall head to my quarter to sleep in for the night." I called out to her before leaving for the comfort of my bed that I haven't felt in what felt like a lifetime ago.

And after preparing myself for bed I promptly fell asleep...




For 2 minutes...

"Ugh I can't sleep" I said to myself thinking of a way to be more productive.

Then I remembered what my master said about my beard being fluffy and Jack not having proper clothing.

"Well time to put my knitting skills to the test again." I said to myself as I remembered a day I create for Atlantis on accident when I cut my beard to make clothing for the orphaned children that visited the salty lake that lead to my resting chamber.

'Man the amount of clothing I had to make for everyone on Atlantis. Man I wished you lived on Atlantis Arachne.' I thought to myself as I stood in front of the mirror. Now as much as the next man I love having a beard but I don't like having a massive one.


Time to trim this bush now.

-10 minutes later-

"Finally I look more younger than before." I said as I looked into the mirror to see my new beard style...

" I said as I looked into the mirror to see my new beard style

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