Aint nothin but a thing

Start from the beginning

"Age ain't nothin but a number." She held the spatula out to me to sing the next verse and I refused but she continued,
"Throwin down ain't nothin but a thing, this loving I have for you.." she held it out again and she just looked so cute I couldn't say no.
I grabbed the spatula dramatically and sang to her,
"It'll never change!"

For the rest of the morning Davina cooked us crepes while we danced and sang to the music blasting through the speakers. She loved to listen to music as she cooked, says it's what makes the food taste so good. She says, "when you're happy, the food is happy." And I couldn't stop laughing after she said that, how can your food be happy?

"So how is the restaurant doing?" I asked, grabbing our plates and putting them in the dishwasher.

"Great actually. And I've actually been meaning to talk to you about that." I came and sat back down at the table pulling her onto my lap,

"Okay what is it?" She stared at my hand that was resting in between her thighs, her mind seemed to be a thousand miles away at this moment.

"Davina?" She cleared her throat looking back at me,

"Oh what? S-sorry I just lost my train of thought." I laughed,

"You were saying you needed to talk to me about the restaurant."

"Oh, right." She shook her head, "Well since I'm taking on more responsibility there and things are picking up." She hesitated, "I wont be able to uh, work h-here. It's not that I don't want to, of course I love it here. It's just that—" I pecked her lips cutting her off,

"Baby its fine, I promise." She frowned,

"I know, im just dreading even the thought of leaving because I won't be seeing you as often anymore."

"Says who?" I raised an eyebrow, "you not working here anymore is not going to affect our relationship. In fact, it'll make things better. Mixing work with pleasure never works out well." She nodded her head, licking her lips.

"You're right." She grinned mischievously and leaned closer to me, her lips barely gracing mine. "And I want all the pleasure." I bit my lip,

"Oh yeah?"

"Mmhm" I leaned in closer to capture her lips in mine but she moved back teasing me. I whined as she did it again,

"Stop being such a tease!"  She giggled, finally kissing me. I moaned as soon as we made contact, my body instantly responding with gratification. Her lips were soft and still a bit swollen from the night before. Our mouths moved in sync and with each passing second the need in me grew stronger. I caressed her sides letting my hand travel into her sweatpants and just as I was about to go further we heard a high pitched squeal. The both of us jumped apart getting scared and I looked over at Eissa who was still eating his fruit happily in his high chair. Cock block.

Davina got off my lap leaving the room, I squinted my eyes at Eissa, "really?" He just kept on shoving his chubby face into his bowl of mashed bananas.

A few minutes later and she returned with her shoes and a hoodie on,

"Hey, I should get going Joey said he'll take me home." I frowned getting up and wrapping my arms around her frame,

"Do you have to go?" She giggled,

"Trust me if I could stay here all day with you I would."

I walked her to the door kissing her before she walked out but she stopped halfway staring at me expectantly.

"What?" She stuck her bottom lip out,

"Aren't you gonna tell me you love me?" I laughed, pulling her back to me kissing her, letting my tongue slip in and out.

"I love you." She pulled away smiling with her eyes closed,

"Mmm, tell me one more time." I giggled, shoving her shoulder playfully,

"I love you, now go already." She pecked my lips and backed away still facing me with a silly smile on her face,

"ooo! I just love the way you say it." And with that, she got into the car. I watched until the Escalade made it safely out of the gate and I closed the front door, leaning my head against it still in a daze.
God I love that woman.

I walked back into the kitchen cleaning Eissa off until I heard the doorbell ring. I picked him up, holding him on my hip jogging lightly to the door. I smiled figuring it was Davina,

"Did you forget something?" My smile quickly faded as soon as I saw who was on the other side of the door.



Ooooo 🤭 

Now what in hell do y'all think Mr. Al Mana wants?

Lmk how you guys liked this chapter!

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