Chapter 39: Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test

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May 26, 1944.

Hermione L. Granger

Transfiguration Examination, NEWT level

Professor Albus Dumbledore

Hermione was seated in a very silent Great Hall, completely changed, so the entirety of the Seventh Years could take their Transfiguration NEWTS. Their final exam. Graduation was a week from today. She was, to say the least, nervous. She, Abraxas and their friends were going to be travelling the continent for a few weeks in celebration, starting with Tutshill, a mainly Muggle and Muggleborn village, which was known for their ancient traditions, knowledge and accepting community of wizards and magic. The culture and environment was supposedly quite fascinating. Nott estate is also conveniently nearby, where they will be staying while in Tutshill.

"30 minutes!" Calls the proctor, and Hermione refocuses on the last question.

How does the natural abilities of a Metamorphmagi differ from human transfiguration?

Human transfiguration replicates the abilities of a Metamorphmagus, allowing the subject to take on a different form or make individual changes to their appearance, which can be from the simple colouration of hair to the addition of animal body parts. Human transfiguration can be performed by anyone who's skilled enough, on themselves as well as on others, whereas a Metamorphmagus is born with the ability to make changes to their own bodies with no effort, no wand, and completely at will and desire.

Unable to rack her brain for anymore information, Hermione reads over her test, before standing and depositing it before the proctor, who dismisses her. As soon as she's through the doors, she's running through the halls until she reaches the doors near the library. The grounds were crawling with students out of their exams; the attacks had let up, and the Ministry had allowed very monitored restrictions to be lifted. Which meant she was able to rundown a hill towards her friends, sprawled out by the lake. 

Abraxas grins when he sees her, a massive smile on her face, cheeks pink, and ringlet curls and delicately-formed waves now unfastened from their pins. He stands to catch her, her tiny oxford heels making her stumble as she became unbalanced and he quickly moves to catch her. "Look at you, wild little thing. What were you thinking, downhill in these little shoes?" He kisses her quickly. "My fiancée." he mutters, kissing her again and she giggles.

"Oi wait up now one minute here. Malfoy mate, what do you mean, fi-an-cée?" Nott shouts from the lake edge, drawing the attention of, well, just about everyone in earshot. Abraxas lifts the enchantment from her ring, and she lifts her hand to show their friends. Elizabeth whistles lowly.

"Man, that is one big rock you got on their. My brother's wife's is half the size."

"It's not a competition, Rookwood." Perseus elbows her, laughing. "Congratulations are in order, I suppose." She receives each of their well wishes, before she notices a few members of their party are missing.

"Where are Tom and Cyriss?"

"Must just be finishing up their exams." Abraxas suggests, attempting to push her pins back in place unsuccessfully. She glances up just in time to see a black cloud streak towards them-Tom, using his Black Flash. He stumbles as she did when he stops, and grins.

"We are done! School is done, we did it!" His eyes are unfocussed, his smile too eccentric, and she can tell she's not the only one who's noticed.

"Tom, whats wrong?" She asks, concerned, and he beams at her as tears roll down his cheeks. His eyes are wild and pained, but he says nothing about it. He looks crazed and terrifying.

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