Chapter 18: A Short Lived Visit

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(*Warning: language, discussion of drugs and alcohol and black marketing, hints at sex work, violence)

Hermione, wand in her pocket out of reach, was starting to really regret several decisions. She had followed Araminta's directions perfectly, and when attempting to jump onto the moving staircases, had slipped and was now dangling from the post of the banister. Once the staircase returned, she could regain her footing.

However, the issue with that particular solution was that the staircase needing to make the entire loop still. Ten minutes. Far too slow. Her hands were sweaty and she was constantly adjusting her grip, unable to pull herself up. She didn't dare kick her legs up, for if anyone did find her they would have an unrestricted view up her skirt.

Her situation was not ideal in any way. As long as she could keep herself from falling for ten more minutes, she would be able to hop up onto the corridor above her. However, as her hands begin to slip again, she heard something dreadful. Voices. Three, to be exact.

"Listen, Malfoy, I'm short on funds this year. Lucretia and I haven't put enough aside yet for the drive."

"Come on, Fawley. It's been a few weeks, you're trying to say you haven't sold anything yet?"

"Oh no, I've sold. I just don't have the amount you're looking for." There was far too much tension between them; even she could tell, and all she could do was listen. There was a girl there as well, attempting to mediate the conversation seemingly. She didn't dare interrupt it, both curious of the topic, as well as not wanting to get in anyway involved.

"Son of a bitch!" she mutters, cringing as she feels a splinter slip into her hand. The conversation sputters to a halt, and the pattering of approaching footsteps is the only noise she hears. She smiles sheepishly up at the girl, dressed completely in black. She frowns down at Hermione.

"Who's there, Dorea?" Eli calls, but Abraxas answers his question when he joins the girl at the railing.

"Mione! I could've recognized that angelic voice anywhere." Abraxas charms, flashing a smile as he leans over the railing.

"I wanted to come explore. Several people have mentioned it, so I wanted to see."

"Ah, wanted to come visit after our chat?" Eli pipes up, and Abraxas's smile drops remarkably quickly. "Allow me to help you." He reaches down and she thrusts her hand upward, and he pulls her up onto the corridor.

"So that's what you skipped divination for? You had to talk to Hermione? What even about?" Abraxas asks moodily, his light mood now tense. Eli smiles, knowing he was antagonizing the blond and thoroughly enjoying it.

"Now Malfoy, mind your own business. That would be between Hermione and I, wouldn't it be?" Eli tangles one of her curls around his finger. "Take your potion, Abraxas. Dorea, let's finish business, and then I'd love to discuss Mariu- Mary." He smiles charmingly in Abraxas's direction before slipping down a corridor with the girl.

"Abraxas?" She prods cautiously, trying to catch a glimpse of his face as he turns away from her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Hermione. It's nothing." He laughs dryly, hands shaking. "You should go. Seriously. I don't know if I can keep composure for much longer."

"Brax, let me help-" as she reaches towards, him, he takes a step in her direction, pinning her against the banister. When her eyes lift to meet his, she see's a glimpse of red.

"What the fuck was that?" He hisses, his voice almost snakelike. Her heart thuds in her chest; this was exactly what had happened with Tom, when he switched into Voldemort. "With Fawley, of all people? Have you no standards?" The blow hurt, even though she knew it wasn't from her Abraxas.

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