Chapter 38: Little Girl

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Hermione woke up, warm and content, just as the warmth left the bed. She made a whimpering sound and reached for Abraxas, who cupped her cheek and kissed her.

"I'll be back, la lune. I'm just going to check on Mary." She began to drift off again. Mary had been sleeping in Hermione's bed, and Hermione had been sleeping in Abraxas's. That way the girl wouldn't have to sleep in her old dorm with the boys, and also to feel a greater sense of safety than when she slept in the common room.

"She burned our papers." Tom mutters in the darkness, rousing Hermione further. "That's what she was burning, I guarantee." She rolls over to look at him in the opposite bed.

"Dumbledore said he sent them." She whispers sleepily in response.

"But Rosier said he made copies. So if the copies have been burned, then the papers at the Ministry might be next."

"Go to sleep, Tom. I know you haven't been sleeping for nights now. The Ministry has the highest defences in the world, they'll be fine." He rolls away from her.

"I suppose you're right." She waits for the sound of his snores, but instead hears the sounds of him casting a sleep spell on himself. Abraxas returns as she begins to nod off again, tucking the sheets around himself and holding her tightly.

"She's sound asleep." Abraxas whispers to her, unmoving.

"Good. I'm worried about her family, if they'll let her come home." He presses his nose into her curls for a moment.

"Worry another time, love. Go to sleep." After a few silent moments, she speaks again.

"I have this awful feeling, Abraxas. Something isn't right."

"Tell me."

"The symptoms she described... its the Imperius curse. Tom thinks she was made to burn the copied papers, he suspects the Ministry is next. And I reckon the pain she felt was the Cruciatus curse."

"If Dumbledore doesn't finish off Grindelwald, I will." Abraxas promises. "She is fourteen years old, and she's just being herself, who she wants to be. You can't hurt a little girl for that."

"No, no you can't."


"...and of course, when perfecting nonverbal spells, you must be silent. In a proper duel, verbally saying the spell will alert your opponent to what you intend to do, and allow them to form a counterattack. Be silent, be moving, and above all else, be unpredictable. You have a plan, but it must not be a routine, or regular. Once you are predictable, you are vulnerable, and- yes, Miss Rook?" Merrythought prompts, at Abelle's raised hand.

"Professor, how does one do that? In a duel, shouldn't you always have the next five spells in your head? Without a routine, you'd forget." Merrythought smiles.

"Once you are proficient at duelling, you will often forget what spells you are using, you will be casting on instinct whatever first comes to mind. As long as your head is on track, all you will need to do is move. This of course is a review." Merrythought proclaims much louder. "As NEWT students, you will need to know-not in depth- about the Unforgivable Curses." She turns to write them on the board. "What are they, Burke, go."

"The Imperius, the Cruciatus, and the Killing Curse."

"Excellent. Tell me about the Imperius Curse, Riddle." Tom jumps in his seat, but answers anyways.

"The curse places the victim under the caster's control, though a person with exceptional strength of will can resist it. This is the only Unforgivable that is able to be defended against."

"And the Cruciatus, Malfoy?"

"Excruciating pain on the victim, triggering pain receptors."

"And that leaves us with the Killing Curse." Merrythought turns back to face the class. "As it says in the name, it will kill. These spells are forbidden, dark, evil spells, although the Minister has deemed it appropriate to make them legal to Aurors until Grindelwald is defeated, who himself has no problem using dark spells. Your homework tonight is to write a short essay -I know you have exams coming up ad you're all studying- about one of these curses and its effects, as well as practicing your shield charms. Dismissed."

"I'll be back for Potions, I'm off to take Mary to Herbology." Tom mutters, before heading off in the direction of Charms.

"I'm glad we've squeezed in Unforgivables, this year. Apparently they ran out of time last year and couldn't do it. It is an additional unit after all, not necessary curriculum." Abraxas suddenly appears to her right to spew out his thoughts.

"Have you ever cast one?" She mutters curiously.

"I have. We wanted to practice all spells at least once. Imperiused Lestrange, tortured a frog, and then later killed that frog. I particularly hate the torturing curse. At least with killing, its quick and painless. But it was awful to watch it in so much pain. Have you ever cast? I know you used to use Dark spells at the beginning of the year."

"I have used the Imperius, on a woman when I needed board after escaping my parents. I've nearly tortured Tom-"

"We've all nearly tortured Tom." He mutters.

"-And I killed a man. He was already dying, I was trying to ease his pain." Hermione is uncomfortable telling a lie to Abraxas, but it was necessary so she didn't reveal her timeline. Her whole story is built to protect the delicate information she's from the future.

"I'm eager to learn more about them, considering, well, Grindelwald. I think it will help me if I ever have to fight against someone using those spells."

"Hopefully you don't-"

"I'm going to enter the volunteer program." Abraxas suddenly says. "And then do Auror training. That's what I want to do after Hogwarts, no business like my father wants. I'll hire someone to run the business for me."

"You're entering the program?"

"Yes, right after we're done here. I want this over with for good, and I want to be apart of it- other then the map work."

"A break, between Hogwarts and Tuskamon. I will join you, love." He beams at her.

"As long as you are there to protect me, I know I'll be fine." He says, and Hermione scoffs.

"Best protect your own ass, I'll be defeating Grindelwald's army."

"I know you will."

Dark, Twisted and Time TurnedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora