Chapter 9: Tom's Assertion

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(*Warning: discussion of murder, minor language)

Hermione rolls over in her bed, nestling herself deeper into her blankets. She had tried Abraxas's trick in leaving a vial of Amortentia open in the dorm, much to Phyllis, Araminta Meliflua, Chaylee and Matilda's liking. The room smelled remarkably comforting, filling her lungs with a warmth that eased their pain from constantly hacking black substance out. Only when she realized Abraxas was returning did she finally roll herself out of her sheets.

"Ah, look at that, you're finally awake. Took you long enough," Araminta mutters, taking out her curlers. "Chaylee says her brother dropped off some books early this morning for you. Astronomy, battered looking things. She's already down to breakfast." The Black girl pins her hair back with a pin bearing her coat of arms.

"Ah, you forgot she's down to breakfast with Carnell, again. They've seemed closer and closer every time I've seen them." Phyllis comments, leaning close to her mirror to dab on rouge.

"Shocking that Theon hasn't noticed yet," Matilda adds, rubbing in cream before passing it to Hermione. "Here, honey, use this."

"Oh, Tom wanted to give you something by the way, Hermione. I think a potion or something? I really don't know."

She says her thanks, tugging on her robes and declining the cream. She tucks a book further under her pillow, feeling a bite of guilt. She had told Cyriss there was only the bag; he had been disappointed to conclude the book had already been burned. She crosses down the hall to the boy's dorms, knocking on the door with Tom and Abraxas's name plaque. He calls out to admit her in. The room was grey, apart from the emerald sheets and draping, almost identical to the girls dorms, just far less items cluttered around since there was only two of them, and five girls in hers.

"Araminta said you had a potion for me?" Tom doesn't answer while he sweeps some gel through his hair. Tom's half of the room had little to no personal effects apart from the furniture and school supplies, whereas Abraxas had several wizard photos, of his small, blond, stiff and formal family, of the group of knights from perhaps a few years ago, of a newspaper clipping regarding something with the ministry. There was also a stand filled with pictures of many well dressed women, and letters.

"Yes. I noticed how much you reacted yesterday when the professor mentioned your parents," she flinches. "I prepared a calming draught for you, to prevent another episode like what had happened with Professor Merrythought." She sits on the edge of Abraxas's bed, since the only chair on his side was occupied with a large stack of ancient books. The scent of an expensive cologne and sandalwood moves around her. "Can I ask you something?" Tom turns, adjusting his tie.

"Of course."

"Who did you see die, Hermione?" She freezes, tears pricking her eyes almost immediately. "You said you were locked in your house. You refer to your parents in the past tense. Who did you see die?"

"My mother. Then my father." Her voice shakes and trembles, and her shoulders burn away the pain in her throat. Tom waits, looking at her expectantly to continue. "My mother, it was an accident, the magic just exploded out. And then my father, I couldn't control myself. There was so much, the burning, the tingling from the magic, the voice, and I- I killed him. The killing curse."

"What do you mean by burning?" He asks her gently, ignoring the subject of her parent's deaths, seeing it was upsetting her.

"My back, my shoulders? They burn whenever I'm guilty, grieving, hesitant. It gives me the ability to cast something dark." He approaches her quickly, handing her the potion as he does.

"Take that, and let me see." She shies away.

"Absolutely not."

"Hermione, I don't give a shit about decency, let me see."

"Out of the question!"

"This could be the cause of the dark magic contamination, let me see."

"No! There is absolutely no way I am taking off my shirt off around you-"

"For the love of Salazar, Hermione, I'm gay!"

"I-" She hesitates. "What?" His cheeks flame red.

"Don't make me repeat myself. Please, just show me." She turns away from him, unbuttoning her blouse and slipping it off. His fingers lower the straps of her brassiere., and then brush over the bare skin of her back. "I was conceived with a love potion. My mother seduced my father. A muggle." Tom mutters, dragging his wand over her shoulders.

"Hector Dagworth-Granger said that someone conceived by a love potion would not be capable of love."

"I highly doubt your ancestor took homosexuality into consideration. Can we please avoid this conversation?"

"Sorry." They're silent for a few minutes, apart from Tom muttering spells.

"I suggest you shower, after being in this bed." He says humorously, seemingly back in a good mood.

"He hasn't, has he?" She gasps, brushing her arms self consciously. She hears him laugh.

"I'm not sure. But there are plenty of photos in that stand, aren't there?" He asks coyly. She shudders. "Hermione, I don't know what this is, but it's dark. And what ever it is, it's deep," He hesitates before continuing, handing her her blouse. "I suggest going to the ministry. This is far more than St. Mungos could handle."

"I'm expecting a letter soon regarding an appointment, as per Madam Sikdar's suggestion." Tom nods.

"Good. I'll see you at breakfast. Be careful, Hermione."


As she reaches the Great Hall, she catches sight of the unmistakeable white head of Malfoy, laughing about something with Avery and Perseus. Avery, who had been made privy to the situation, notices her walking down the aisle between tables and gives her a wicked grin before moving over away from Abraxas.

"That was rude, what the hell?" He quickly apologizes to any girl in his immediate vicinity, and Hermione slides into the seat next to him with her arms crosses. He gives her a grin. "Hi. Are you here for me to lift the spell, or did someone get the before me?"

"Cyriss helped me out." She shrugs, giving him a glare. "No thanks to you! What the hell, do you know how hard it was yesterday?" His smile drops.

"I'm sorry. It was supposed to be a joke, I assumed someone would have got you out of it sooner." He looks down at the floor guiltily. "If it means anything to you, I've gotten you a bracelet while I was in London. I noticed the only jewelry you wear is that locket."

"You know you can't just buy forgiveness, Malfoy." His head hangs lower.

"I know. I'm really sorry. How can I repay you?" She gives him a small smile.

"Well, you know, it was really quite annoying, not being able to talk. All my classes silent, I couldn't even show anyone up." He sighs, raising his head again.

"You're going to silence me? I suppose I deserve it. It is fair." She raises her wand to his lips, offering a smile.

"Not only that." Abraxas raises a brow, but listens instead of interrupting.

"Every morning, tell me about the magical world. I'm missing pieces of common knowledge and events, and you seem to know all about it."

"That's easy, I have no issue with that." She gives him a coy smile, and casts her spell. He never breaks eye contact as he clips the bracelet onto her wrist, and doesn't let go of it either, until Perseus makes some comment about making sure the spell is lifted by evening. She turns her gaze to him, and Abraxas lets her go.

"I'm just saying, since Cyriss lifted it on you by dinner, you should do the same. Only fair." He insists, and Hermione flicks up a brow.

"I suppose it is, but I'll decide by then." She doesn't miss the look several of the boys exchange with each other, but she makes no comment and sits for breakfast.

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