Chapter 31: Liquid Luck

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*Warning: illegal gambling, allusions to sex

The castle seemed to hum with gossip these days, everyone whispering and talking as one does when returning from a holiday. The first night, when the group of her friends was reunited, Hermione and the rest threw a small party for Tom, who seemed pleased enough with the acknowledgement of his birthday.

In addition to frequent small talk, there was two main points of conversation which she found herself hearing repeatedly. Whispered as she passed, muttered to friends over meals; the emerald hanging around her neck, recognised by just about every Slytherin, every pureblood, several other students who likely heard of it's origins from a friend or two. Every time someone stared too long, she'd find Abraxas's arm around her waist or shoulders, beaming brilliantly.

The second conversation, which was far more exciting, and was echoed in every classroom, was the approaching swim season. Perseus, for instance, was ecstatic about the new swimming costumes and goggles the Slytherin team had fundraised for and purchased. And of course, bets were being placed, and of course, there was illegal gambling, because why not.

"Five galleons. Rookwood, Skit. Bones wins by tallet," Avery snorts a laugh, jotting down notes infant of him with a shake of his head. Hermione glances up from her chair by the fire, where she had been curled up with a swim history book for far too long.

"What are you muttering about over there?" She asks, sitting up straight. He looks up, startled before he laughs.

"Salazar, Hermione, I didn't even realise you were here. I'm recording some bets, for the sake of security. Money is not fun to mess around with when you get scammed. I still can't believe someone's bet against Lizzy, she's the best Flyer here. London's been scouting her, apparently." Hermione leans over to look at his ledger.

"Lots of bets on Valenti. I've heard quite a bit about him, but I've never actually met him." Avery shrugs in response.

"He's a nice guy, keeps to himself, mostly private and quiet. He's in charms with you, not that you have eyes for anyone but Malfoy," He teases, before looking at the emerald around her neck. "Who gave it to you?" She touches it absentmindedly.

"His father, though I suspect it was both his parents." He briefly scans her hands before flicking up a brow at her.

"No ring? Yet you have the heirloom. Interesting."

"They seem to think he'll make me an offer. He hasn't yet, to be clear, but I'm patient." She gives him a smile, stepping out of the way as someone comes by with a handful of sickles, whispering another bet to Avery, who returns to his ledger. She catches a glimpse of Tom as he slips out of the room to their first class, and she hurries after him.


"You have the case I sent you?" Tom asks, placing his own potions case next to him. She responds by putting it on the desk before them.

"Yes, it's wonderful, thank you. I sent you a few guide books, I hope you didn't already have them...?" He waves a hand at that.

"I had one or two, tattered and second hand, so I'm glad to have these new copies from you," He pitches his voice lower as more people enter the room. "And ah, thank you as well, for that one particular book. I've always liked the selection at Bound and Sta-"

"Tom, m'boy!" Slughorn booms, entering the room and cutting Tom off mid-sentence. "Seventeen! What a marvellous achievement. As for the rest of you, welcome back!" A few minutes pass as the class settles in. "Now, " he says, clapping his hands together with a smile. "In celebration of the New Year, we'll be brewing one of my favourite potions. Any guesses? Prewitt?"

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