Chapter 19: Take it Slow

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(*Warning: smoking, underage drinking, sexual implications and discussion, discussion of violence, language, discussion of black market)

"I- what?" She blushes deeply, and she can tell without looking at him he has a wicked grin on his face. "Fuck, Brax."

"Miss Granger! I am appalled!" He exclaims, laying a hand on his heart dramatically. "I was merely suggesting you join me for a drink, is all. Salazar! I must say, I am ashamed you would think I had ill intentions." She ignores his antics. "But if you want to fuck, we could certainly do that if you want. I'm not objecting."

"Abraxas!" She hisses, swatting his arm. His grin only grows, the after effects of the Muddle-Mind seemingly no longer active.

"Tom isn't even in the rooms tonight, there's apparently been some issue that needs all prefects to patrol Gryffindor halls tonight."

"So you've decided to use it as a chance to seduce me? How classy. I'll have to decline, however. I, unlike you, need to keep a perfect public image." She flicks some curls over her shoulder and he laughs.

"Oh do you? Well, how about I add you to my photo stack? The only photo, then we'll see what you think of my public image."

"I was curious about those pictures actually. Had many girlfriends, Abraxas?"

"Of course not. Those are from my father, possible fiancées I've turned down. Believe it or not, I'm not involved deeply with any woman." She blushes at his suggestive words, and he notices. "Honestly, Hermione, can't you at least wait until we're alone? Would hate to have to drag you into a corridor-" she rolls her eyes and walks faster, pulling ahead of him as she speeds down the stairs towards the Slytherin dorms.

"Going back to bed, I hope, Miss Granger?" She jumps as she nearly runs straight into Dumbledore. He looked stern, the hood of his travelling cloak up over his head. His hand rested tensely on his wand holster.

"Yes sir, I'm sorry, got briefly lost on my way back from the library." Abraxas, thankfully, had the common sense to stay hidden around the corner. Her story would fail if he decided to show up. Dumbledore looked rather irritated to have caught her.

"Don't be making a habit of it, Miss Granger. Wandering around at night -though Hogwarts is safe from the current outside forces- is not a risk you should be taking. Twenty points from Slytherin, hurry off now." As she slipped down the hall, Dumbledore hurries up the stairs with a swish of his cloak. She hesitates, about to wait for Abraxas, but instead mutters the password and watching the door open. She doesn't even get the chance to slip into her dorm.

"Wrong way," he murmurs, sliding an arm around her waist and pulling her back.

"You know, this really isn't a good idea," she whispers to him, yet follows him anyway to his dorm room. She slips in quietly, and he closes the door silently. It was just the same as it had been the last time she had been in there, though there were a few more pictures cut out of the paper, specifically several blurry images of Abraxas with some 'mystery woman'. Hermione recognized her own bushy hair easily.

"Of course it's a good idea. It's late, you wouldn't want to disturb your roommates." He replies, removing the jacket and tie of his suit and unbuttoning the top of his black shirt. He rolls his sleeves up as he crosses into Tom's half of the room, taking down several wards around a cabinet before taking out a bottle of firewhiskey. She caught sight of a slip of ink on his left forearm, but she says nothing about it.

"I likely wouldn't be disturbing them. They're either still up chatting, or they've slipped off to the sixth floor. I heard them making plans about going to see a fight or something, I wasn't interested."

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