Chapter 28: Septimus and Malina

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(*Warning: there are no necessary warnings for this chapter)

October passed, and shortly after so had November. Each day had been lovely and light and had passed by quickly- with the exception of two more transformations that they had taken in stride. They were well prepared for her December transformation. Abraxas had given her several more books; they had had several more dinners; they had kissed, embraced, touched, met in abandoned classrooms to feel each other's hands on one another. They had gotten closer and closer to sex each time, yet either pulled away or were interrupted before the deed could be done.

Tom, thankfully, hadn't realized she had walked in on him and his tryst, and had cautiously yet openly discussed his blossoming relationship with Virgil Montague. He wasn't out to the rest of their friends yet, but had not made an effort to conceal the small caresses the two boys exchanged in passing. Abraxas had casually brought it up once, but made no further inquiries, and had the decency to ask out of earshot of anyone else.

As first term was being let out soon, talk of Christmas was all that buzzed through the halls. Who was staying, who was going, what balls and galas they'd be attending over the holiday, who'd they'd be spending it with. Hermione was resigned to the fact that she had very limited options for Christmas; she had nowhere to go. Hogwarts was always a constant option, and seemingly her only one at that. She had no desire to return to Wool's, nor to travel to Dagworth Hall. It was not in livable condition anyways. However, there was another option, though it was a scandalous proposition. To visit and stay at the Malfoy family home. To attend the annual Christmas gala. To live there for the holidays, with a pureblood supremacist and traditionalist family, at Abraxas's invitation.

He had mentioned it casually a few days ago, while she was attempting to perfect hair waves. An invitation to stay with his family, not realizing how much the idea excited and stressed her. And thus, as first term was merely hours from being let out, she found herself swaying towards a decision that internally, she wanted, but knew the media would have a field day if it was discovered. She needed to make the choice sooner rather then later.

"Hermione!" She turned on the bench to smile and wave at Carnell as he enters the Great Hall.

"Rosier, ever lovely to see you. How are you? I heard you were in the infirmary." He waves a hand dismissively, though he winces as he bends his wrist.

"Oh, just a flu. In the arm. Fascinating illness, really, broke my bones and my nose. Completely seperate to note, Terrence Yaxley, with the same illness, is in St. Mungos. Several more broken bones, however. Crazy how these things happen." She grins at him.

"You're such an asshole," she laughs, turning back to the table as he sits. He steals a slice of bacon from her plate.

"I heard a little rumour that you-" he taps her nose. "- are spending Christmas at Malfoy Manor." Hermione shifts in her seat, watching a group of third years as they walk past.

"Well, I might. I haven't quite decided whether I will or not. The media would cause such a scandal, and Mr. Malfoy's blood prejudices-"

"An eighth, Hermione. An eighth Muggleborn. Wear your nice clothes, don't flaunt the muggle too much, and you'll be perfectly fine."

"Not particularly nice, my clothes I mean. Just what I wear to the Ministry."

"Yeah, I was wondering about that actually," he pauses to chew. "Why do you go to the Ministry so much?"

"Oh, checkups, some deposits. Nothing too exciting. Oh, and I do catch up on some of the foreign news with Grindelwald." The man was still on his reign of terror, attacks in America, in Brazil. However it was particularly terrifying these days, as while he continued attacks across the ocean, attacks were still occurring in Europe. Muggle and Muggleborn villages being razed.

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