Chapter 15: The Perks of Power

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(*Warning: language, violence, discussion of black market and prostitution)

They had gotten back just before eight on that Sunday; Hermione was surprised at how remarkably lax the school was about students leaving the premises, as she had been gone ten hours and no one so much as blinked an eye. She had told Abraxas that the next time they went out, she would be choosing the venue. He seemed pleased.

On Wednesday, Hermione was nearly shaking in anticipation for Defence Against the Dark Arts. Thanks to her apparently German duelling style, they had been going over the other styles the class had learned in previous years, and therefore had been mastering techniques as well. Today, they duelled. She would like to blame her excitement on the runes, on the voice, on whatever fucked up contamination was controlling her, but she had to come to the honest conclusion that duelling had always excited her. That was likely why she had been teaching herself the duelling forms from several prominent cultures.

It was a rather quiet morning. Chaylee and Phyllis had slipped out of the dorm early to send off some mail, and Theon, Cyriss and Carnell were at an early Quidditch classroom and Perseus- well, at this point she had concluded that Perseus did not sleep in whichever dorm was his. He had without fail come into the common room from the main entrance every morning except that one. Tom had been remarkably irritating lately, doing everything in his power to attempt to make up to her whatever fragment of their friendship had been lost in his episode. Apart from that day, she had yet to see a single hint of the future Lord Voldemort.

She and Matilda and Araminta had chatted over breakfast about the upcoming Quidditch match, and her dorm mates had begun filling her in on the secretive details the students kept from the staff. Apparently, there was a surprising amount of backstage manipulation from some student based council.

"I do believe Abraxas and Chaylee are both on it. Really, it's to make sure everything is running well. All the Quidditch captains and swim captains are on it as well, apart from the Gryffindors. There's one Gryffindor representative that we can trust not to squeal. What's his name, Tilly?"

"Ignatius Prewett," Matilda snorts. "Although Lucretia calls him Tee." Araminta grimaces.

"My cousin, as I said earlier. She manages all the girls that pose for the pictures. Or, you know, get money by getting naked. My aunt will kill her if she ever finds out."

"She's really good friends with Fawley. That's the guy who single handedly runs the black market. He can get his hands on anything you want, so long as you pay," Matilda adds, before returning to her eggs. Hermione struggled to grasp just how much ran in the castle without the knowledge of most people. She wracked her brain to try and think if it still existed in the future, but then again if the Gryffindors weren't privy to that information, that would likely be why she hadn't heard a thing. She finishes her breakfast, before she splits paths with Araminta and Matilda, on her way to DADA.

Tom was already in his seat when she arrived, and she slides in next to him. Merrythought had decided to pair the two together with the hope that Hermione would be able to keep up easier. The lies she had told were starting to get on her nerves, everyone assuming she was incapable and behind. It only takes a few more minutes for the rest of the class to join them, and with a swish of robes, Professor Merrythought closes the door and begins the lesson abruptly.

"We've all been practicing for this, and we are long overdue for it. Today will be our duelling day. As a reminder, no maiming, keep the spells appropriate. No physical contact. When your opponent is disarmed, or I call for a tie, is when your match is over. Abraxas, Abelle, you're up first. Here we go, front of the room- remember your shield charms, everyone, just incase- and, begin!"

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