Painting #6 Relief and distress

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Sebastian wished he knew what was going on.

It was a perfect record, not a single mistake...

And then he had seen, HER. The impulse to drink her blood, to devour her soul was too great.

However, he had a strange feeling in his gut. Like he had admitted that she was okay, maybe even better than a cat.


Ari started at Erika, wondering about her phasing moods, her secretive powers, and most of all, her true identity.

She knew Erika had no living relatives, but Erika had never told her about her life before the queen had taken them under her wing. Ari knew her own story well enough.

Ari was a pretty girl in a simple village and had many friends, also courted and flirted with a lot of boys. Her future was bright, glorious.

Then her family had decided to move to ‘America’ the new wondrous ‘kingdom’. She was out of place, out of reach, and soon she had became a quiet, faded version of her former self.

When she was 17 she was forced into a marriage...and it turned out the husband was a vampire with fangs. He took her whole family and bit deep into her skin, almost killing her. She would have died soon, except she didn't remember what happened next and then she woke--a vampire. 

She decided to track down the vampire that had landed the final blow in her lifespan, but before that she went back to England. Years passed, then was almost two centuries before she found Erika bleeding to death on a street and the queen took Erika under her wing and Ari's. 

Ari sighed. Yet another mystery to Erika's life.

I’'m still the most dangerous one, the more spontaneous one. I am still the ‘rose.’ She chuckled slightly and went over to the window, looking out at the pattering rain hitting against the window.

“Rain rain go away, come back again another day...” She mumbled softly and sighed, glancing over at Erika once again.

Her eyes fell on the papers Erika clutched closely to herself. What could she have drawn now?

Slowly Ari took the papers away from Erika’s grip.

There were only three, but they had so much contents on each Ari wasn't sure if she'd ever stop finding new pictures.

The first picture was a ballroom. A twisted ballroom. A single blaring, red eye peered above her at the top of the paper, as if it wanted to make sure it'd kill any intruders under its gaze. A skeleton hand that clutched a piece of tatter silk was at the center of a ballroom, where faded thin figures twirled around in faded dresses and suits. Blood had been spilled onto the floors and an invisible pair of smirking lips hung on the left hand corner of the drawing. 

The second picture was Sebastian Michealis. She had captured the smirk perfectly, his slightly arched eyebrows and the hard line of his jaw. His lips were full and in this picture, eyes were redder and brighter than usual. Ari's breathing caught in her throat. He was simply too beautiful in Erika's eyes. Either that or Erika had made him come alive even through dulled paper.

The Painter and The Devil    ...? (Black butler/Kuroshitsuji Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now