Painting #11- Going out of Character

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"Sebastian, tea." Ciel ordered and Sebastian nodded. "Yes, my lord." He walked back down the steps and into the kitchen, almost pleasantly surprised the kitchen had not been burnt down.

Choosing one of the more southern tastes Sebastian boiled a kettle, then made some quick dessert while the pot boiled. When it was all done he took the kettle off the stove and poured some tea into some fine china cups, not being too careful from experience. He knew what to do.

With a start he realized he had burnt his finger and looked at the small bit of tea that had been spilt onto the floor and onto his hand. How foolish of him. He sighed and quickly wrapped a small towel around his palm, then proceeded, this time with more caution.

He had been a bit disturbed from the incidents that had occurred while he was watching Erika and he couldn't stop thinking about...well, the incidents. What else?

He had a nagging feeling that he had left something very important, and even when he had told Ciel all the news without much interest-he had been interested.

Why did they all blame it on Erika? Why the Evangelines? They had both seen the newspaper offering a reward for her capture and both of them knew it was wrong, but if her majesty commanded it, it would have been alright. But for what reason...?

He realized he was just standing there and shook his head. This was getting ridiculous. With a quick look around he took the plate of dessert and the tea, then piled them up onto a silver platter and walked back upstairs, knocking on the young master's door when he arrived.

"Come in." Ciel called from the inside and Sebastian bowed, then came in. He sat the plate of food down and smiled, educating his young master about the brand of food he had brought. When Ciel nodded he went to leave, but Ciel waved him back. "Sebastian, did you hurt yourself?" He asked with evident surprise and Sebastian looked at his finger, the burn already fading as fast as it had came.

"It's no bother for young master. I shall take my leave." He bowed and Ciel shook his head. "I didn't tell you to leave." Sebastian smiled. "Of course, young master."

"What's wrong with you, Sebastian? Why are you messing up, why are you not being on your best behavior? You look as if some big dog scared the wits out of you." Ciel smirked. Sebastian knew what he was doing, he had done it a million times to young master when it was necessary. It was nice to think that Ciel cared about him. "I wouldn't say that. I'm sorry if my behavior is below excellence, I've been distracted lately." Ciel raised an eyebrow. "How so?" He asked and Sebastian knew he had said too much. "Nothing too important, just some-"

"SEBASTIAN." Ciel slammed his hand down the table and Sebastian noticed the tiny splash of the tea onto the table and into the fabric of Ciel's clothing. Ciel did too, but didn't seem to care. "Stop beating around the bush, seriously! You act more like a scared little cat than I imagined! I should probably change you name into 'Scaredy' or something of the sort!" Sebastian bristled. What had he said? After thousands of years of experience, of achievement and excellence, and the puny little brat dared to call him-He stopped that train of thought. This was not going where it should.

"I'm sorry, young master."

"Live a little!" Ciel announced and Sebastian raised an eyebrow in surprise. This was out of character. "Has someone been visiting you?" Sebastian asked out of curiosity and Ciel's cheeks turned a different shade of color. "You can leave now." He sat back down on the desk and Sebastian grinned, bowing and exiting the room. He thought he had smelled something suspicious.

The Painter and The Devil    ...? (Black butler/Kuroshitsuji Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now