Paint Slide #9 Interference

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When they took her to a lab room, she started to panic. The doctor there gave her a smile and she ran for the exit, but suddenly he touched her arm and she felt some sort of...shock? He mouthed  something about static and winked at her, then dragged her over to a chair a dentist might have for his patients. Erika couldn't understand. What did he just do to her? She was basically immune to everything-

"We've been tracking you for a long time, Miss Evangeline, and I am most fascinated about your eyes. Just what makes them work? This is the 18th century, magic is...explainable. Let me see..."

He bounded her to the chair, wrist, waist and ankles with tight rope. "You'll be able to move in less than six hours depending on your physical ablities. Let me see you for now." He put on a mask and a medical cloak, making himself look more scary by the moment. Soon she saw the sharp utensils he had on the desk besides her. "I'll just go ahead and put that around your eyes, you won't feel a thing..." He mumbled and Erika's eyes widened, despite the sudden drag of the 'static', she was alert. Alert and afraid. 

"You won't feel anything except a faint scratch, I'm going to slowly take out your eyes and study them up close. You might even get them back someday...After this, you'll pay a visit to the organ doctors. I do hope you've never drank, liver is very pricey nowadays." He said nonchatnly, even soothingly as he brought the sharp needle towards Erika's eyes. She sqriumed-tried to-and tried to scream, and the needle almost touched her skin before a flare of power broke loose in her and slammed into the man's hand, incasing the entire thing in ice. With a ear shattering scream the doctor wrenched his hand away and the ice broke off...taking his entire hand with it. 

"Damn you!" He shouted before bringing another small knife to her eyes. "I'll have to let you deal with pain." He said more calmly before bringing the knife harshly down on her, and another blast of ice cold air froze the other hand-not before the knife fell. She managed to move and the sharp object embedded itself into her shoulder. The docter yelled in fury, slamming his ice blocked hand down on the knife, trying to make more pain for her. 

It suceeded. With one hit he probably had dislocated her shoulder-warm blood poured out of her so fast she didn't even have time to blink before she fainted.


Erika didn't know how much time had passed when she woke up suddenly in shock. Someone had splashed ice cold water against her face and she freaked out, almost falling to her face before realizing she was She looked down, noticing again that she was bind to the exact same chair. Someone was looming over her, and she slowly looked up, suddenly remembering all that had occured before. 

Her captive grinned at her, wearing a masquerade mask that only covered half of his face. He had startling eyes that seemed familiar somehow... "Sorry miss, I'll have to help you get out of this one before the police comes to...investigate. Futhermore-I think I'm actually too late to help. Oh, sorry. I am too late. Maybe I'll help bail you out of jail...later?" He winked at her. He seemed wolfish, tall and dark haired. "Or maybe your demonic butler would like to help before I touched you?" He grinned, exposing sharp canine-like teeth. He seemed demonic, to be honest. "We'll meet again." He bowed and quickly walked out the lab room, closing the bars with one last smirk. 

Almost as soon as he left she heard blaring loud footsteps echo along the prison walls. The mutilated ...things were groaning in pain, fear, whatever. Was someone here to use her as more experiments?

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