Painting #5 Home sweet home...?

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When Erika woke, she felt the urge to die. Immiediately. Not that she became psycho, but in the sense that she was, well, physically feeling dead. 

“Gah…damn it, what the hell did I do?” She muttered to herself while feeling the throbbing bruise, the place where two inhuman creatures took their turns drinking her blood. Might as well just eat her. 

Her eyes adjusted, her mind was still foggy. “I need a mirror, I’m sure I look worse that my depressed paintings.” As if on cue, she spotted one that faced her, mirroring the dark shadows under her eyes, the terribly pale color her skin, and her abnormal…eyes?

Her eyes. Again. Changed color, this time, for the more…normal. Hidden mostly by her panda shadows, her eyes were the color of an ice cold winter, crystal cerulean orbs that peered back at her face. 

She’s always wanted normal eyes, but now that she looked right, she didn’t feel quite…right. Thunder boomed and she looked outside, surprised it was still light. The sun should have been completely covered by then, but everything was still pretty lighted. 

Of course she had no time to ponder. Ari burst into the room, looking infuriated. “Damn him!” She cussed, hurrying over to Erika’s side. “What is it?” Erika barely had the time to ask before Ari ripped off the bandage. 

“How much blood did he take from you?” She demanded, looking as if she was about to kill someone. This has happened, by the way. “…Not that much…” Erika gave her a guilty grin, and Ari placed her hands over her eyebrows. “And just when I was having some fun…you can never be left alone, can you?” Erika’s eyes furrowed. “What? Of course I can take care of myself…”

“You travel so far just to paint some stupid forest, then you get lost and NATURALLY you’d have to go the other way, until this stalker of a man comes and BEGS for you to come to his mansion, and when you come here, you forget all about me. When I leave you for FIVE MINUTES, you let a freaking DEMON suck your blood. Explain to me how you’re taking GREAT care of yourself.” She almost shouts, she was so infuriated. 

“Oh, hold on here, missy. I didn’t WANT to paint a forest. Remember what I was GOING to tell you earlier, about my condition? I didn’t remember anything before I saw this place, and when I finally calmed down, I tried to draw a picture of this forest, because it might just give us a few clues about our newest mission! It wasn’t my fault it started pouring, it wasn’t my fault that I had almost NO power to defend myself a minute after you ate your meal.”

Ari was looking at her with a ‘so…you get it?’ kind of expression, and Erika realized the hole she’s dug herself into. 

“Alright, I’m sorry. Damn it, I’m sorry. What did you mean by ‘you were having some fun.”? Erika changed the topic and Ari looked away. “Nah, nothing.” 

“Please don’t tell me you’ve found another boyfriend.” Erika muttered, rolling her eyes. She had only dated two people her entire LIFE, and Ari’s had more than she could think of, in only three years. 

“Hey, do not make fun of my personal reference.” Ari countered. “Alright, whatever. I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t die if this new boyfriend of yours would broke up with you. Would you?” 

The Painter and The Devil    ...? (Black butler/Kuroshitsuji Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now