✧Chapter Twenty Eight✧

Start from the beginning

I went over to her sleeping figure. She was so cute.. I smiled down at her sleeping body and leaned down to give her a kiss on her forehead and moved a strand of hair away from her face, which caused her to wake up slowly.

“Am I dreaming?” Alayna said drowsy.

I smiled at my little sister “Yes, you're dreaming and it's a pretty good one at that” I said softly and booped her nose.

“I missed you big sister” My heart broke hearing that, but I had to stay strong “I miss you too” I kneeled down to her height of the bed and took out the necklace I was wearing. It was a gift from my dad when I was five years old and I just wanted to give it to her- to remember me by, since I had it for so long.

“Tell you what, if you ever feel alone” I put the necklace around Alayna's neck “Just touch this necklace and I'll be there for you. I may not be with you physically, but just know I'll always be there, watching you and taking care of you from afar” I told her “I'll always protect you” I gave her a hug, which I didn't wanna let her go, but I knew I couldn't stay here any longer.

When I put Alayna back to sleep. I gave her one last kiss on her forehead and went to go do one last thing before I leave.

I honestly climbed into Damian's window without him noticing, obviously because he was to busy doing his work on the computer, which my mother was right that he loved his work more. It was literally like two or three in the morning and he was still up, instead of in bed with his wife.

“Well hello Damian” I said, only to make myself noticed.

Damian flinched at the sound of my voice and he honestly looked like he's seen a ghost. He looked scared out of his ass.

“You were supposed to be dead” Damian said, his voice was shaky.

“I am dead and I'm here to give you a message” I was having to much fun right now, seeing Damian scared shitless “Now let me get right to it” I revealed my fangs and gripped onto his collar, pulling him off his feet “If you ever lay a hand on my mother while I'm away, I'll come back and show you piece of my mind” I growled, looking straight into his eyes “I would show you how you make her feel and if you wanna stay in my good side, and not make things dirty around here. You'll listen to my orders, you got that?” Damian nodded his head slowly in fear.

“Now stop what you're doing and go join your wife” I dropped him on the floor, but before he can run away scared out of his ass. I stopped him in his tracks with a flick of my finger “Oh and another thing” I turned around to face him “Spend time with your daughter, cause you don't know how much time you'll have left with her. She's growing up fast, so don't miss anything” I told him, turning back around with a small smile on my face, as I released him under my control and literally jumped out the window right in front of him, and I honestly heard him fall to the door, which I'm sure he just fainted. God that was so fun to do.

I went back home, joining Jinri who was already done packing all our stuffs, so we can finally go back home.

We weren't actually gonna go back to our old house. We were gonna go places and honestly start a new life, as vampires. But we'll come visit our old home from time to time, cause Stacie specifically told Jinri to visit her or else she'll have to turn into a vampire herself to come looking for Jinri- She was joking about that, but Jinri still didn't wanna leave her old life for good. Because she loved being a nurse and we just needed a small vacation, from everything in general.

“You ready?” Jinri asked, as she put our last stuff in the trunk of the car, closing it shut.

I took one last look at the house. Honestly, allot of shit has happened, over my stay here at Belington, who knew that my journey coming here will end like this.

I sighed deeply “Yeah” I had a smile on my face “I'm ready” I took Jinri's hand, as she lead me to my door, opening it for me, as I entered, with her closing the door behind me, going around to her side.

“Well, who knew that I'll spending my entire life with my baby”.

“Is that a bad thing or a good thing?” I asked, even if I knew her answer.

“It's a good thing” Jinri told me “I love you and if it was possible, I wouldn't mind growing old with you” She leaned over giving me a kiss on my lips.

“Me too and I'm happy also lucky that I've met someone like you” I told her, giving her another kiss on the lips.

“Now let's get out of here, shall we?” Jinri had a smile on her face, as she started up the car.

I nodded “We shall” I said, as we were on our way, on a new life ahead of us.

Who would've thought I would fall in love with a vampire? And who would've guessed- that I would turn into one? I would seriously cherish every moment I spend with this women, cause she's just one amazing person.

I looked over to Jinri with a big smile on my face, as I looked over to the road ahead of us.

Bye to our old life and Hello to our new beginning...

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