✧Chapter Thirteen✧

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Chapter Thirteen - Thinking of Leaving or Staying..?

A couple of days has passed since the day that I finally confessed to my mother, that I was indeed Alison not Alice and I feel good, since I don't have to worry about that anymore.

My mother and Alayna would come over from time to time, and we'll all just hang out, and overall have a good time. It was nice, catching up with my mother, telling her everything that happened in my life.

“So when are you guys deciding on leaving?” Vivian asked, taking a little sip of her tea that Jinri made before she left to work not to long ago, which made Alayna a little disappointed when she left.

“I don't know. I told Jinri I'm not ready to leave yet, only because I want to build a relationship with you” I told my mother. It felt good bonding with my mother, like we haven't done before “So she's just thinking whether she should get transferred to the hospital here instead of driving all the way back home- which may I add, is along way from here” I said, knowing that's one of the issues of staying here.

“Well if you guys do plan on staying for good, I'll help you give this house a makeover, because it sure needs it” Vivian said looking around the half empty house of ours.

“I'll be sure to let you know” I said with a smile, taking a sip of my tea. “So how's you and Damian doing?” I asked as I placed my tea on the coffee table in front of us.

Vivian looked down at her half empty cup, swirling her tea around “Well yesterday, we got into another argument” She told me “Nothing new” She said as she drank the last remaining of her tea, placing it on the coffee table.

“Aren't you tired of arguing?”.

“Yeah, but that's just the way we are” Vivian looked over to Alayna playing with her dolls “He just keeps getting worse and worse ever single day” She started to explain “He's started drinking more, sometimes he'll lash out of no where. If something goes bad at work and it didn't go his way, he'll bottle it up and when he gets home, he'll take it out on me” She finished off and it made me annoyed. I don't know why she chooses to put up with what Damian gives her;I mean I know that's he's Alayna's father, but still.. She doesn't deserve to live the way that she is.

“Why not, instead of me staying here. You should come with me and Jinri, our house is big enough for the two of you” I suggested. I didn't want my mom to continue this unhealthy marriage and be beaten by a man until she's old as shit. Or want something bad to happen to her one day.

“Do you really think that Damian would divorce me just like that?” My mother looked a little amused “He's needs me here and plus I have his daughter, he won't let me have full custody over Alayna. He'll fight”.

“Then we will fight together” I put my hand over my mother's giving it a small squeeze “I don't wanna stay here or y'know leave here, knowing that everything in your end ain't all that good” I told her “I want us both to be happy” I said, as I glanced over to Alayna and then back at my mom.

“I am happy” My mother put her other hand on top of my mine “I have you and Alayna, my way of living doesn't matter” She gave me a reassuring smile.

“Bullshit” I felt the tears start to fall, which made Alayna turn to look at us. “I wouldn't live with myself knowing that you're living like that” My mother pulled me close to her, comforting me, rubbing my back, telling me everything's gonna be okay and she'll be fine.

“Mommy is big sister, okay?” Alayna game over holding her doll, looking concerned.

“Yes baby, she just has a tummy ache” My mother obviously lied, not wanting to tell Alayna the real reason that I was crying.

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