✧Chapter Seven✧

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Chapter Seven - A mysterious voice...

Goodbye mom...

I felt the rush of the breeze against my skin, feeling the tears stream down my cheeks, as all the good and bad memories flash before my eyes, knowing that death was near, but when I was reaching the darkness I felt someone pull me away, their voice echoed in my head, it's not your time to die...

I shot up from my bed, with my face slightly sweaty, seeing the spot next to me, empty. But not even a minute later, Jinri came in with a tray of food, seeing her have a smile on her face, like nothing ever happened last night. Come to think of it..I actually don't remember why we were arguing to even begin with.

She erased your memory...

I heard a voice echo in my head, but it wasn't the same voice I heard in my dream. It was more a raspy male's voice and it gave me the chills.

“Baby, are you okay?” Jinri asked, with her sitting right in front of me, looking worried as ever.

“Y-Yeah..” I told her, but it looked like she didn't believe me.

“You sure? You look a little pale- Are you sick?” Jinri put her hand on my forehead,but then I just took her hand in mine and kissed the back of it, telling her that I really was fine.

She gave me a weak smile, knowing that she was still worried for me, but just put it aside, as she put the tray of food in front of me.

I just wasted no time in eating, feeling the atmosphere between us different. I had this strong feeling that Jinri was hiding something from me. I felt like she was someone different than what I see her as. If that made any sense.

“You're going to see your mother today?” Jinri asked, breaking the silence between us.

“She's gonna come over here with Alayna” I told her, taking a little sip of my drink.

“Alayna?” Jinri looked at me confused.

“Mhm” I hummed with a nod “She's supposedly my half sister” I said, still quite shocked that I have a little sister.

“Wow” Jinri breathed out, looking a bit shocked herself “You planning on telling her?” She asked, which I gripped onto my cup.

I felt scared to tell my mother that she was talking to her daughter all along. I seriously don't know how she would react and I'm afraid to even know.

“I don't know yet” was all I said, because let's not forget that my mother is Satan's wife. But seeing her with Alayna yesterday, made me think that Alayna was more of a daughter to her than I was, and it hurts thinking that. And yes, I'm jealous of Alayna, but I'm also glad her life wasn't like mine.

“Y'know you'll have to tell her eventually” Jinri told me, which it's not like I didn't know that. Like I said, I'm scared. She should know that's it's hard for me.

“I'll probably tell her at the right moment, cause right now- I wanna find out a few things” I said, I'm sure my mother would open up to me.

“Just do what you gotta do” Jinri kissed me on my forehead, taking the empty tray and left me alone to my thoughts.


I was downstairs waiting for my mother's arrival with Alayna, while Jinri got ready for work. She came downstairs wearing her nurses outfit, looking sexy as ever.

“Are you sure you can't call in today?” I pulled her towards me, making her sit on my lap.

“I can't, my boss called and told me I have to come in” She's lying... That voice rang in my ears.

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