✧Chapter Twenty One✧

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{Suicidal & Self-Harm Trigger Warning}

Chapter Twenty One - It's starting to get hard without you...

It's been weeks, since the day me and Jinri split up. Honestly, I thought she'll come running back. I've tried calling her countless times, but I can't seem to reach her. I wasn't sure if she changed her number or if she has already completely forgotten about me, or the fact that she really didn't care about me.

I've been having negative thoughts and I've been so down. Lately, I haven't had much the appetite to eat and there are sometimes I'll go back to our house, cause Damian would be staying home and plus I wasn't in the mood for conflict between us.

I felt like shit. I felt so empty. I felt lost. I honestly wanted to see Jinri again. I hated being away from her, it kills me so much.

I sighed deeply looking up to the ceiling, with my arm rested over my face. My heart ached so bad. I just wanna see your face again... I felt the tears start streaming down my cheeks. It's all my fault... I clenched my fist, angry at myself. I really hated myself at this moment. I hated how I always seem to mess up the good things in my life. I was just mad and didn't know what I was saying, which lead me to push away the one thing that was keeping me sane, now I just don't know what to do anymore. She was the only meaning in my life.

I heard the doorbell ring, which I didn't have the strength to even get up, but I forced myself to get up and made my way to the door, opening it to see my mother and Alayna at my doorstep.

“Big sister!” Alayna ran and hugged me tightly, which I just gave her a loose hug.

“I was worried you weren't eating, so I brought you some food” My mother handed me the bag that she was holding and I just opened to see that it was all my favorite meals were freshly cooked.

“Thanks mom” I put the bag on the counter, as I just took out a bottle of water from the fridge.

"So, have you heard from Jinri?" My mother asked curiously.

"Nope I haven't" I breathed out and took a swig of my water.

“I miss big sister” Alayna said sadly.

“I miss her too” I gave Alayna a sad smile, as I drank the last remaining of my water.

“Well, I'm sure she'll come around”.

I scoffed “I doubt it” I disposed the empty bottle in the trash “We've never been apart for this long” I told her “Well..” I breathed out “we never been apart in general, actually” I looked down at the food that my mom brought me, but I literally had no appetite to even eat anything, so I just put in the fridge.

“I hope I didn't bring that over, so it'll be put on display in your refrigerator”.

“Don't worry mom, I'll eat it later” I told her, despite me feeling that I maybe won't.

“You better, cause I didn't make that for nothing” She gave me a more serious look.

“Don't worry mom, I will eat it”.



After my mom left, with us only talking about Jinri the whole time she was visiting, while I also play with Alayna, not so much in the mood to listen to what my mom has to say. Because honestly.. I know it may sound selfish of me, but if Jinri loved me enough she would come back. I did my part. I tried to contact her, but I have no way to and I for sure ain't about to go out looking for her, only because I have no where to look, besides the hospital that she works at, which is a long way from here, and I'm not even sure if she's still working there, seeing how she's back with Theodore and I feel like Theodore will stop her living her human lifestyle.

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