31.Cautiousy Scary

Start from the beginning

"None of your business. Now what do you want?"

"This isn't fair." Setting her mug on the counter , she gives him a pointed look. "I want to meet the woman who has made you so different. There is something serious going on in here and I like it."

"Whatever. Now can you please go?"

"Nope. In fact, how about I introduce myself to your beautiful stranger. Since you won't." Then, she leaps back before he could catch her and starts to run up the stairs. Sebastian's voice shouts from behind, calling out her wildly.

She just ignores his shouting and running steps behind her. Good thing, she was a pro athlete and she made a straight beeline to Sebastian's room. Opening the door, thinking she would see Stephanie. She sees the last person she expected.

"You!" She points a finger at Rene, who is currently clutching a towel over her naked body.

Rene feels the color drown from her face as she sees Sebastian's sister looking wildly frantic as she takes in the scene. Sebastian comes in a second late and his face is red with anger.

"Nicole! Stop busting on people's business." He moves to stand between them but Nicole can't seem to take her eyes off her. Then, she moves her eyes angrily at her brother.

"What the fuck, Sebastian! How could you- that's Daniel's daughter, you asshole!"

"You don't think I know that." He snaps back.

Rene uncomfortable, holds her towel tighter to her body. She quakes in fear and her stomach pulls in distress.

"And you! Rene! What the-"

"Don't you dare say anything what you think you are going to say to her, Nicole." Rene's feels the tears vibrating on her eyelids. Nicole looks at both of them frantically.

"Sebastian, this is a sick mess. You know this is sick and horrible. What will you do when Daniel ask her who she was with? Huh! Do you realize the kind of trouble you are asking. And you!" Pointing at Rene.

"Why did you have to go after my brother? He is lot older than you and not to mention, your fathers firm partner and friend. You are wrong for my brother, you get that."

"Shut up, Nicole." His back was tensed and he snarls at Nicole.

He knew now Rene was going to run and he had a feeling all this was going to make her cry. All he wanted was to console her and tell her everything was going to be okay. She was his now.

"Sebastian Hill, what in the god name have you do-"

"I love her!" He shouts back.

There was an eerie silence at that confession.

It was an outburst and had Nicole's own eyes
tearing up. "What? No. No. Not her. Not someone like her."

Rene runs to the bathroom, her cries muffled in her towel. She locks the door and slides back onto the cold floor. She should have never come here. All of this was wrong.

Her mind began to work. Like a clock, all the spears and works begin to move and she felt the attack of pressure.

She could still hear them screaming behind the door. Nicole's horrid words 'not someone like her' echoed in her ears.

Was she bad for Sebastian? She knew she wasn't good enough for a man like him but having it said out loud by someone else triggered her the wrong way.

When the voices quieted in the room and moved downstairs. Rene made a decision.

She had to leave. This instant.

Quickly, she took her clothes. Wearing them hurriedly, she headed down. She could hear their screeches.

She hears a whimper and looks to see Hades by the glass door. He must have sensed the fighting going on inside. She mouthed a bye to him, sadly.

When Sebastian saw her dressed up, the painful tug returned. Fuck, she is leaving me.

The same way he felt the way she left him when her dad came back. Only a thousand times more.

"Rene, don't go." He says moving to her, his own eyes watering.

She doesn't say anything and bites her lips from quivering. I don't want to leave you.

"Leave now. And don't bloody come back."

Both turn at the sharp voice of Nicole.

Suddenly, all the hateful things Rene felt was bubbling in her throat but she couldn't do anything. She was in no position to argue with his sister. No position to tell her anything. They weren't together and they were wrong for each other. Just like she pointed out. 'Not some like her', she could still hear the vile words of truth.

She went passing them as Sebastian came to block her. Only this time, Nicole held back Sebastian's arm. "Let her go."

Taking one glance at Sebastian, trying to remember all the details of his face. Sebastian just stood there pleading her not to leave.

Thinking that they could make this work but it was also the inevitable tragedy that was undeniable.

Then, she was gone.

Sebastian howled in pain and started to shout at his sister. Their shouting was like murmurs outside the house. The cold night hit her more rigidly than she expected and it spilled the tears she couldn't hold in any longer.

Rene felt the tears running her eyes. She was so scared inside as she pulled out her phone to book an Uber. Her hands shaking as she typed in the details.

Her mind was in a flux. A state of uttter chaos and there was no one to save her from this. Not even herself.

The Uber cab came stopping in front of her, she slid in. When the car began to make its journey to her house, she didn't look back at Sebastian's house. Her life there was over and then out of nowhere, she heard the whispers of his confession.

I love her.

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