21.Protecting Yours Truly

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Something had changed.

Sebastian came back late since he was enveloped with so much work. He had almost forgotten that he had someone back home, waiting for him. Unfortunately for him, she was not.

When he entered, Seneca had whipped them up some spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Rene was on the counter, reading a book as she dug in. Wearing those small shorts and a long baggy tee, he almost wanted to throw her on his back and take her to his room.

Expecting her to smile at him as Sebastian walked in, he stood by the counter. Waiting for her to acknowledge him. However, she didn't.

Her eyes were too busy intently reading the words printed off from the book.

At first, he didn't think much about it. It was understood that she was immersed in whatever she was reading.

Not that books ever enlightened him, he just wasn't the type to read as much as she did.
Although, the job he does, instructs him to read volumes and volumes of books on laws.

Maybe, probably he did enjoy searching for facts and proofs for working his cases then reading a story of other men's lives. He was just not into it like that. He didn't have the time.

When he sat down to eat, making a sound when the bar stool took to scratching slightly on the floor. She still didn't bother looking up.

Then he narrowed his gaze on her. She may have been reading but her body was not relaxed. It was tense. Wounded a bit too hard for girl who was reading so calmly.

"Rene." He spoke her name.

He loved her name. So many times, he has breathed out her name in an erotic fashion. He only wished she could feel the way he felt.

"What?" Not looking up.

"Look up."

Sebastian was a patient man but this was getting him to almost pull that book out of her hands. And he didn't want to do that.

From the limited information and her being present here, he found out she was a voracious reader. Always with a book in hand. He knew doing that would be like taking the young from a very angry mother bear.

"I can't. Reading." She said, turning the page.

"Well, whatever it is. Stop." This time his voice came out hard.

Still being stubborn, Rene kept reading. As if doing it on purpose. Purposely trying to get him mad.

This confused Sebastian. They seemed to get along well last night. Granted, he was up a fight with her but they did just fine when they slept. Something must have happened between the time he got up in the bed today morning and now. Only he didn't know.

Probably could never know cause she was a closed book all the time. Only when they engaged, did he get a peek under the curtain.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Almost getting the best of his patience, he whirled himself not to snap at her.


Sebastian was a man, who didn't go chasing after anyone. In fact all the time, it were the girls who wanted to have a good time, came to him. He, of course, relented it. This is, however, for him the first time and he was battling with a lot internal struggles here.

First, there was his ego. A massive hit but he didn't have to let her know about it.

Secondly, he was intrigued by Rene. She might be younger to him, at least twice his age which should have stopped him. Should have made it clear that she was much too young for him but no, the devil's snare caught his interest.

Thirdly, she was Daniel's daughter. A huge 'Hell No' should have been written on the sky when he agreed to this.

Now, there was Rene. She was a walking sexy contradiction. One thing this. The other thing that. There was no winning with her and honestly, he wondered if she was worth all the trouble. It might not put him in a good light but he was being logical.

His childhood was not something he was up for discussion. It had a pretty huge impact and that's all there is to it. He didn't rely on emotions but only on logical and realistic reality. Almost the reason why he never dated. Mostly the reason why he never dated.

No commitments.

Sex with surplus one night stands were mostly on his agenda. He always checked himself with the doctors. He was clean and regular. Nothing to damage his well worn schedule. But here was this little woman craving away his attention and eating away his last remaining control. Maybe it was a sign.

This whole hot and cold subject reading her book, sitting in front of him as if she didn't give a fuck was a freaking sign. It says, 'Don't do this.'

But he wanted to ask her what was wrong. What was the matter. Why wasn't she talking to him.

He almost suspected it was due to last night. He thought he should have told her how he cancelled his date not because of her, but because he had work. Fine, it was because of her.

Yet, she hadn't jumped into his lap after that. She had been jealous which lead to him grabbing her onto his laps. Eh, same thing.

He was about to ask her again, this time he was ready to snatch her book away. If it means to face her wrath, so be it. If it would make her throw curses and fling insults, also be it. He liked her angry and hot anyway.

This morning when he had got up with her moving around in his arms, he felt the similar stirring in his pants. Her body was shaking and he couldn't figure it out.

Only when he saw her caressing her hand down her body with rosy cheeks, he knew what she was dreaming. It took all in him that he could take not to wake her up like that.

Tonguing her nipples, and fingers rubbing her needy bud, Sebastian would have her coming as she woke. Due to the emergency call, he couldn't. Wouldn't. Shouldn't.

His head started to pain. He was about to ask her again one last time, when the door bell rang.

Now, who was it?

He almost didn't want to get up. He already had a moody indifferent hot problem sitting on his counter, eating his food and ignoring him after they kissed last night. He didn't have the patience to deal with something on the other side of the door right now.

"Aren't you going to get that?" She said, sipping in her water. Still not looking at him. His jaw clenched at her indifference. It's like she almost wanted to provoke him. Fine, she wanted to play.

I can play. Sebastian walked up to the front door, groaning mentally on how much he would enjoy playing with her. When he opened it, the first signs of play was about to begin it seemed.

"Hello Sebastian." The sultry eyed Stephanie with a black tight dress leaning against the door greeted him.

He almost smirked. Let the games begin.

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