14. Hatingly Leaving

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Rene felt a murmur fan over her as she moved around groggily in her bed. It was late in the dark night and she had gone to bed early after the small babble with her father.

"Hun. I'm leaving." She felt a small kiss on her cheek. Knowing her dad was leaving she gives an aimless wave, as she twists back into her bed.

She was soon fast asleep when she felt another dip in her bed. In her sleepy state, she remembered her dad kissing her goodbye as she slept. Did he change his mind?

When she flickered her eyes open, it came face to face with Sebastian. His eyes hooded as he took in her sleeping form.

Why was he here?

She didn't get up but the sleep evaporated from her almost immediately. She laid where she was, her eyes turning into cold slits. She wasn't going to be entranced by him anymore.

"If you have come here for a quick lay, I suggest you move your interests elsewhere." She said flatly, turning her body away from him.

She didn't close her eyes, but tried to keep her breathing as normal as she could. But Rene knew better. Anywhere with Sebastian, her heart beat kicked up a notch.

"If I wanted a quick lay, you would have been already spread eagle on my bed, with my cum still dripping from your tart pussy." His words delivered unemotionally.

Rene flushed hard.

At his words, at his tone and most of all, the way he thought. He construed words the way he knew she would appreciate. The way she liked it. And that's not good.

She refrained herself from answering. The only way she could win is through her silence. Her negligence to answer him might prove to him that she wasn't interested or she wanted to just close off this conversation. It was obviously the latter.

When moments passed, and she still knew he was sitting right where she saw him last. She was about to tell him to leave when the bed again dipped.

She stilled. Not knowing what to do.

Sebastian's body heat wafted to her when she felt him lie back down next to her. His shoulder bone touching her back. His hips aligned that it hit sideways to her backside.

He was sleeping. Here, next to her.

Rene didn't turn.

All her life, she was good at anticipating certain tactics especially from boys. They were easier to manipulate or read. However, this was no boy. This was a man who had experience that glowed from him. Experience that hardened him and which made him malignant.

She didn't even have time to think why he decided to sleep next to her when she felt the brawny arm coming around her. She tensed against him. Letting him know this was not okay. None of this was okay.

"Sleep." He commanded.

How can I? She thought, her mind spiraling around the fact that she was being spooned by Sebastian Hill.

"Your still tensed." His voice disturbed.

As if he was irritated by the fact she was the reason he was not allowing himself to get a peaceful slumber.

"Your arms are still around me." She rebuked.

"Don't you like it?" His fine tone edged with mockery. He was vexing her. The asshole.

"What's there to like? A man who can't fall asleep in his own bed? A man who seems to need someone to hold on-" she barely finished the last sentence when he twirled her to him, fast.

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