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A week went by after Ian's doctors appointment and Mickey and Ian sort of got into a routine. Ian would wake up, Mickey would make sure he took his pills, and through the day Mickey would look after him.

Mickey thought he was doing good and taking care of Ian. He was actually kind of proud of himself for that. Ian was still distant tho he didn't talk much but the doctor said it's normal till he got used to his pills. He'd be the same old Ian that Mickeys known for 4 years. At least that's what Mickey hoped.

"Here take it." Tony said pushing a bag towards Aiden. He took the bag and opened it up. Aiden wasn't surprised at what he saw inside, it was a handgun. 

"So we clear on the plan?" Tony asked. Aiden nodded and mumbled a "Yea." 

"Good." And with that Tony left the room probably to go home or something, Aiden wasn't paying attention. All his focus was directed at the gun in front of him.

They'd been preparing the plan for a week now. Tony was pushing him to do it and convincing him it was a good idea. "Mickey Milkovich is a bastard and deserves it." Tony would say. Honestly he didn't know why Tony cared so much and why he suggested something so extreme. But Aiden trusted Tony with his life.

Aiden thought he was ready but, now he doesn't know."Man up you son of a bitch." He said to himself and picked up the gun.

But that nagging thought was still in the back of his head. "Was this all really worth a bullet?"

(( it's been 2 months I apologize lol ))

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