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"I'm gay."


Mickey just stared at his brother while Colin stared anywhere but Mickey. A few minutes past but finally one the boys spoke up. "Ok." Was all Mickey could think to say. Colin looked up and over at Mickey, scrunching his face. "Your not gonna hit me?" Colin asked.

Mickey rolled his eyes. "Why the hell would I hit you?" Mickey asked. Colin went quiet and his eyes went back to the ground. His voice was quiet but he started speaking. "Cause being gay in the south side isn't exactly accepted. Here it's bad, disgusting, and could get you killed. So I ask if 
your gonna hit me because," Colin looked up and straight at Mickey. "Your one of Terry's sons."

Mickey knew exactly what he meant. Terry was a homophobic, racist, piece of nazi shit. Mickeys entire life Terry was always screaming. Screaming about the gays downtown and how he dealt with them, his way. Screaming about how anybody that wasn't white were scum. Screaming about how women were bitches and deserve what they got. For example, Mickeys mother Kateryna. Mickey didn't remember much of her but he did know one thing, she was accepting.

"I'm not Terry." Mickey spoke up. "You liking dick isn't going to change the fact that your my jackass of a brother. Ok?" Colin chuckled at that. "Ok." He answered and Mickey smiled. "But you know your fucked right?" Mickey pointed out.

Colin snorted and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "I'm fully fucking aware. That's why Alex is far, far away." Colin pulled out 2 cigarettes and offered one to Mickey which he gladly took. "Well at a shitty motel the next town over."

Both boys chuckled and smoked their cigarettes. "How's Ian?" Colin asked.

"You actually remember him?"

"Before I got locked up, Mandy didn't shut up about him for days and then somehow all 3 of you started hanging out or some shit." Colin answered and took a drag of his cigarette.
"Ian's? I don't know really. Haven't really talked to him much in a while." Mickey said the last sentence a bit quieter, a little sadder.

"Any particular reason?"

The events of Heathers party flashed through Mickeys head but he didn't say anything. "Not reall-"

Mandy barged through the back door, startling both boys. "There you are Mickey. Been looking everywhere for you." She said and walked in front of them. "The hell you want?" Mickey asked. "Fiona just called. I knew Ian wasn't feeling good, I should've checked on him, I- " Mandy started rambling but Mickey interrupted.

"Mandy! What about Ian?"

"He's not okay. He doesn't get out of bed, he barely eats. He yells at everybody that tries to help. I was just there and he was won't even for me. I need your help." She said and snatched the cigarette from Colin. He gave her a 'what the fuck' look but she just shrugged it off.

"How the hell am I supposed to help?" Mickey asked and Mandy rolled her eyes. "I don't know Mickey, maybe because he's been your best friend since 9th grade." . She gave him an annoyed look and blew smoke out of her mouth. "Go check on him."

Mickey got up and they both just stood there. Mandy looking pissed and Mickey thinking.  He hadn't properly spoken to Ian in weeks. Other people got in the way and then after the par- the kiss, he couldn't face him. Ian sounded bad though. Ian was still his best friend.
So Mickey gave in.

"Fine, I'll go."

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