Chapter Twenty-Six

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Jerry hesitated with that one. "Why? I like talking."

Huh. I wasn't used to having to explain myself to submissives, but I liked it.

"Well, a few reasons. The main reason is that when a Dom talks to you, it is almost always to flirt, which pisses me off. Another reason is that I want your undivided attention at the club. And, of course, because I'm unapologetically territorial." I smirked at him and his blush turned me on even more. "This contract makes you mine, remember?"

Jerry's mouth parted and he nodded. "Oh, shit. Yeah, okay. So it's just strangers who are Dominants?"


He pursed his lips thoughtfully. "What happens when I want to talk to someone?"

I ruffled his hair and he leaned into my touch. "The point isn't to socially isolate you. You can ask me to talk to whoever you want and I'll say yes. But I don't like the idea of random Dominants approaching you first and causing trouble. If you're my submissive, you're mine to take care of."

"Wow— is it hot in here?" Jerry said, fanning at his face. "I feel hot. Okay, so that's two rules. I don't have any rule ideas, but I have a question?" At my nod, he continued. "Can I get that collar today?"

He was so eager, and that was so fucking sexy. "Oh, absolutely."

Jerry swallowed hard and nodded. "Awesome. What are my other rules?"

"Honesty at all times," I said. "Although that probably won't be an issue with us."

Jerry beamed, winking obnoxiously. "I'm as transparent as an ultra-thin condom."

I snorted and shook my head at him. "I believe you. Considering you had no problem telling me that you made out with Adam Lincoln, even though I absolutely hate him and want to crush him like a very small bug."

Jerry blinked. "So. Um, you're not gonna get over that one quickly, huh?"


He bounced and pointed back at the papers. "C'mon, please give me another rule! This is fun. It's like school and I love school."

This kid was definitely unhinged. "Have I ever told you that you're totally weird?" I asked, shaking my head at him.

"Shush!" he whined, grabbing onto my bicep and holding me. "Please, Master Robert." He batted his lashes. "No, wait. Please, Sir, give me more rules to follow."

He was joking. I knew he was joking. So why did I get a boner anyway? My dick had officially lost its mind.

"Okay, if you insist," I drawled. "One more rule. This one is for our scenes. Whenever we're in a scene, I want the first thing you do to be take off your clothes and kneel in the center of the room. Use that time to shift your mentality, find your submission. From then on, you'll call me Sir and Master."

Jerry swallowed hard, his pupils dilating. "Well, there's only one thing I can say to that. Sir, yes, Sir."

I pulled out a pen and offered it to him with a smile. "Ready to sign?"

"Fuck yes!"

We both signed our contract and sealed the deal with a kiss. The moment we made our agreement, Jerry's phone chimed.

"Look!" he gasped, showing me the text. "Finn just said that Club Penguin is back! I have a Dom, I'm about to get my very own collar, and Club Penguin came back? Today is the greatest day ever."

And then he was beaming, and bouncing, and his eyes were sparking, and holy shit it was really hard to control how much I wanted to kiss him.

"That is the most ridiculous thing I think I've ever heard," I said, tugging him into my lap. "But you're fucking adorable."

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