hero's birthday ✰ hero fiennes tiffin

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Requested by  BethanyFellows

"Happy Birthday!" I shouted out while jumping onto mine and Hero's shared bed.

"Thanks beautiful," Hero said sleepily, his eyes fluttering open.

"Let's go get ready, I'm taking you to this cute little cafe down in the city," I say as I lay my head on his chest.

He slowly strokes his hand up and down my arm that was laying over his stomach. We soon get up and begin getting ready for the day. We make our way outside to start our walk to the cafe.

"I have your birthday present at home! We'll open it after we get back home," I say to Hero while cuddling up to his side. We continue walking down the busy street, everyone making there way to work. 

"Ok love," Hero softly replies as he swings open the cafe door for me.

"Thanks," I say gratefully.

We make our way to the counter and begin to order our breakfast. I pull out my purse and quickly pay before Hero has the chance to blink.

"Loooovvvve," He draws out as he gives me a cute pout.

"It's your birthday," I answer.

We link arms and walk to an empty table near the window, it gives us a view of the crowded streets.

Hero and I begin talking away about the future and plans. Our food soon arrives and we begin to eat.

"Baby, can I try some of your food?" I ask with a persuading smile.

"Nooo, it's my birthday," He replies, mocking me from earlier. I pout and lift my fork up, getting ready to take a bite of my breakfast. Hero swoops in and eats the food from my fork.

"Hey, no fair!" I squeal while a loud laugh escapes my mouth.

"Here," He says as he lifts his fork up to my mouth. I take a bit and thank him.

We finish our food and make our way back home. Hero and I open the front door and head to the lounge room.

"Wait right here, I have to get your present," I say as I make my way upstairs to our room.

I slowly pull the wrapped up box down from the top of our wardrobe. 

"Wow, it's heavier than I remembered!" I say loudly.

"Are you alright bub?!" I heard Hero's voice from downstairs.

"Yeah!" I reply back as I make my way down the stairs.

I stand in front of Hero and place the box in his lap.

"Oh, wrapped and everything. How sweet," He teases.

"Shut up," I giggle.

Hero slowly starts to unwrap the present and the ps5 box becomes more evident.

"No way!" Hero shouts with excitement.

"Happy Birthday," I say shyly.

"This is perfect!" Hero shouts again while smiling at it. "Just like you," He adds before averting his eyes to me.

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