stupid games pt. 2 ✰ crush

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It had been a few days since we got to the cabins and Marla and Carlos were still very close. I chatted to Carlos about it and he lost it on me and didn't sleep in our bed for 2 days.
It's not like I don't trust him or anything, he's hung out with girls before, but him and Marla give me a strange feeling.

It was our last night in the cabins and c/n and I both went into our rooms. After 5 minutes, Carlos crawled into bed next to me and said goodnight. We would usually cuddle and he would not let me go but tonight, he felt distant.

I woke up and felt a strange feeling of emptiness in the bed and looked over to see Carlos gone. I reached over to my phone and realised it was 2am. Although I had a feeling that I would regret this, I got out of bed to find where he was.
Maybe he just went downstairs to get a drink or maybe he just wanted to get some fresh air. But, there was that large fraction that knew exactly what I would find.
I opened my door and started quietly walking down the large staircase. Carlos and I got the upstairs en-suite and c/n and Marla had their own bedrooms downstairs.
I decided to delay my investigation and pray that the small fraction of thoughts was correct, so I walked straight to the kitchen.
It was completely bare, lifeless. I started feeling dizzy so I grabbed a drink of water and decided to continue my dreadful search.
c/n room was my next destination.
Maybe the boys wanted to have some guy time and play xbox or something.
I knocked gently on his door waiting patiently for him to open it.
"y/n? why are you up this early in the morning?" c/n asked groggily, as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
"Um, is Carlos in there with you?" I questioned hopeful, but from the way that I had awoken c/n I knew there was no way he would be in there.
"No, sorry y/n. I'm gonna help you look for him," he said with an encouraging tone.
c/n chucked on a shirt and slowly closed his door.
We both walked to Marlas room, where we heard some quite disturbing noises on my end.
"That cheating bastard!" c/n shouted.
I couldn't stand it any longer. Before I knew it, my legs were carrying me up the stairs and my thoughts were completely gone. I started chucking my clothes and toiletries in my bag, without bothering to do it neatly. Once I had zipped up my bag, I heard loud footsteps racing towards my door.
"y/n! It's not what you think," Carlos yelled as he fixed his boxers.
"Oh, really. What I think is that you cheated on me for the second time! I'm sick of these stupid games!" I replied to him.
He stood there, speechless. Knowing him, he would come back with something that would hurt me way worse than the actual event.
"Well, guess what! Both the girls I cheated on you with, are way better than you! And I've been messing around with Marla since we got back together." There it was, the thing that would hurt was worse.

Everything began to blur and with the slightest sight, I grabbed my bag and started to scurry out the door.
"Wait, y/n. I didn't mean any of that!" Carlos yelled out.
I wasn't ready for a screaming match, so I had tunnel vision. My eyes locked with the door down stairs and I wasn't planning on breaking that focus until I saw the early morning sky shining on me.
There was a ruckus downstairs and a moody, indecisive Carlos trailing behind me.
"How could you do that to one of your best friends?!" c/n yelled throughout the cabin.
"She deserves it. Miss perfect always got what I wanted and now it was time to make her pay," Marla replied back venomously.
"You fucking bitch," I cooly said.
I couldn't contain myself, my body brought me in front of her and my arm just raised and swung. A smack ran through the room and I sure as hell knew that my hand print would be on her face later on.
After that small delay, I pushed Carlos out of my way and continued my journey to the front door.
"You two fuck ups can find your own way home, y/n needs me and I'm gonna be there for her because you two aren't worth her time!" c/n shouted as he chucked whatever was on the floor of his into his bag and zipped it up.
As the cool air hit my face, I heard the front door creak behind me. I turned to see c/n standing there and I just broke down and cried.
"Let's get you home," he said as he wrapped me into a tight hug.

When we finally got home, I asked c/n to stay. The sun had already risen and I planned on sleeping the day away.
c/n and I cuddled up in a warm blanket and just laid there.
"Thank you, for everything," I said sincerely.
"I'm always gonna be here for you," He replied.
"Always?" I questioned.

A few years later
"Valentina! c/n! dinner's ready," I yelled.
I heard the small pitter patters of feet followed by louder footsteps.
"Here you go bub," I said to the small girl who resembled equal parts of c/n and I.
"Thank you mamma," she said with a little giggle.
c/n walked up to me and gave me a smirk.
"What?" I asked with a smile.
"You look beautiful, as always," he answered.
"I love you."
"I love me too," he said with a grin.
"Ugh, rude," I hit him playfully on the chest.
"Kidding, I love you and I'm always gonna be here for you."
"Always?" I questioned, like I did when I was younger.
"Always," he said as he gave me a small peck on the lips.
"Ewww! Not while I'm eating please," A tiny voice yelled from the table.
Who would've thought that that one inconvenience in my life would've turned into something so amazing in the end.

BOYS // imagines | ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon