The once cheerful party turned into a whole mess. People ran around, defending werewolf attacks. Several werewolves were hunting for the Minister, Hector Fawley. The elves dropped everything and Disapparated. Several other wizards fled the situation. Credence took cover under a table, hugging his knees on orders issued by Albus.

"Expelliarmus!" Albus cast a stream of red light to stop a werewolf from attacking a bunch of elves. 

"Petrificus Totalus!" Dakota yelled as she made a werewolf stop in his tracks. She and Theseus ran to save the others.

"Stupefy!" Theseus yelled, bringing another werewolf down. 

Newt threw his dragon head off, grabbed Tina and started to send hex after hex at the werewolves. Anna and Nate sent a bunch of curses after them. Queenie grabbed Jacob and told him to get as far as possible. Jacob was clueless and quite frightened. He and a few other house-elves took cover, trying to hide.

But nothing could stop those werewolves.

"NATE!" Anna yelled. She was chased until the very end of the room and was cornered by three werewolves. Dakota took care of Werewolf One, sending a hex to petrify him. Queenie dealt with Werewolf Two, distracting him by throwing a metal plate. 

Werewolf Three was dangerously close to Anna. The poor woman tried a bunch of shielding charms but she couldn't defend herself. Just when she thought all was gone, Nate had dropped his wand and made an attempt to pounce on the werewolf.

Bad idea.

The werewolf was fast. But Nate was faster. He tackled the beast to the ground, pinning their arms to the ground and kicked the werewolf hard in the stomach. Just then when Nate got up to celebrate a short-lived victory, the werewolf got up and made a move on him.

"NATE!" Anna yelled, trying her best to get the werewolf off Nate.

Tina saw the mayhem, seeing Nate being devoured. She ought to help him. However, she had a compelled feeling to not to. She had her wand raised, but she seemed frozen in her path.

"Tina!" Queenie yelled, seeing Nate in trouble. She sent a hex after the werewolf, making him/her topple over the table. Nate got up, feeling flushed. Just when the Auror team managed to arrive, the werewolf gathered all of the strength possible and made a final attempt to pin Nate down.

And the beast pierced it's bright fangs in Nate's neck. Blood erupted, like a water fountain. Anna couldn't cry more. The Auror team soon cast a bunch of strong spells to bring the werewolves under control.

But that didn't change the fact that Nate was bitten. He lay on the ground, unconscious. 

"Get him to St. Mungo's!" Theseus screamed at Anna and the others, "Now!"

Anna, Queenie and Jacob managed to take Nate to safety. 

Several people were injured. Dakota alerted the hospital to come, as soon as possible.  Soon enough there was a swarming crowd of Healers, Aurors and clueless witches and wizards. Everyone was taken to safety.

"Move it!" the Healers barked at Theseus, Dakota, Newt and Tina, "Let's go! You must be examined for cuts and bruises".

Albus hugged Credence tightly. "Are you okay?" he whispered.

"Scared" Credence muttered lightly, "Very".

"We'll get you home. As soon as we can" Albus decided, "I'll just talk to the Aurors. Just stay here. Are you fine? Any. . . outbursts?"

"None" Credence answered. He hugged his cloak tightly, sitting down on the dance floor. 

Everyone was in the hospital, except for Albus and Credence. Newt's hand was badly bruised. Tina's forehead was a mess. Theseus's arm was bandaged tightly. Dakota was scratched brutally by a werewolf. Anna was in a mental breakdown.  Jacob was perplexed. Queenie's stomach was throbbing violently. Worst of all, Nate's life was on the line.

"You can go home" the Healer came over to them.

"We're waiting for a friend" Anna informed, "He was bitten".

"Yeah, it's Nathan right?" the Healer asked. The group nodded simultaneously. 

"His lycanthropy results are in progress.  We'll let you know soon" the Healer replied.

"But he is okay, right?" Anna asked.

"His vitals are fine. He's in a perfect shape" the Healer told, "We're waiting for his test results".

"I really do hope he's okay" Anna crossed her fingers.

"It's foolish to think that Nate would test negative for the lycanthrope test. If he was indeed bitten, then . . ." Dakota said.

"No! How could you-- after what happened to us?" Anna cried.

Everyone looked downcast. Dakota began, "I'm sorry. I had my doubts on Nate, but he ended up saving my little sister".

Anna sobbed, "I know--"

"Yeah, he was handling a very rogue werewolf" Theseus agreed.

"He was incredible" Queenie said, "He changed a lot, right Teenie?"

"O- of course" Tina replied, uneasy.

Tina felt incredibly guilty. She could've stopped Nate from getting hurt. Thinking about it made her want to cry. It wasn't good on her conscience and it'd never will.

"Are you okay, Tina?" Newt asked, "You seem to be frozen".

"I'm okay. How are you?" Tina said, keeping Nate away from her brain.

"Guys" a nurse came by, "You can visit Nate".

Anna wouldn't leave  Nate's side at all costs. She held his hand, feeling the dread settle in. This was the first time she had a friend who cared about her. And now, he would be gone, to a whole new world.

"I'm fine, Annie" Nate said, affectionately, "I'm fine, everyone".

"No you aren't" Dakota said, "I mean. . . I'm sorry. You saved my little sister and it was stupid I couldn't thank you".

"It's fine. Anything for my best friend" Nate smiled, weakly.

"I'm going to arrest that darn werewolf" Theseus vowed.

"Theseus, no!" Dakota protested, "It wasn't the werewolf's fault! He or she had no control in what they were doing! How could you say something so preposterous!"

Anna agreed, "I'm with Dakota on this".

Everyone looked at the Fernsby sisters, puzzled. Theseus himself was taken aback at Dakota's response. Why would she act so panicked?

"Don't --- ask why" Dakota began, "Never mind". She and Anna exchanged looks as if they knew something.

Soon a few Healers came in. They had a somber expression on their faces. Following them were a few Aurors, wanting to check in and see how they were doing.

"I'm sorry, Mr Harmon. You're positive" the Healer said.

"No" Nate choked, "I'm a . . . werewolf, now?"

"I'm afraid so" the Healer replied.

A/N : Hello everyone! Welcome back to another new chapter! (that sounds so awkward and weird)

Anyway, thank you so much for reading! And please, stay safe everyone! Let's stop this darn pandemic and reopen schools because I'm getting hella bored.

Jk, have a great day!


P.S : No, I'm not talking about the chapter. Bye. jk lol

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