Chapter 12

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        I woke up, with arms wrapped around me. I looked down and saw two naked bodies. Then I remembered last night. Quietly, I got up and got dressed, trying not to scream because of my bandages. "Ariel, what are you doing?" a voice said from behind me. "Getting dressed." I replied. Yeah-Yeah looked around, and then finally down at his body. "What happened last night?" he asked. "I think we got carried away." He jumped out of bed and started freaking out. "Yeah-Yeah, calm down. It will be okay." "No it's not Ariel! Did we use protection?" "Yes." He took a sigh of relief. He got dressed and then gave me a kiss. "I almost forgot to tell my beautiful girlfriend good morning." I knew what he meant, but I gave him a confused look. He kissed me again and said, "Good morning beautiful." I smiled and hugged him. "I'm going to my grandpa's." I said. "Ok babe." He replied. I grabbed my bag and walked to grandpas.

                * * * *
        "There she is." Grandpa said hugging me. "Where's Eric?"I asked. "You know Eric. Has to be dressed up for the Fourth Of July." "It's already the Fourth Of July?" I asked. "No. Since your birthday was yesterday, and your birthday is on the third of July, that does not make today the Fourth Of July." Eric said walking into the living room. "Why Eric, don't you look snazzy." I said hugging him. "Sis get off me!" He tried to wiggle out of my grasp but it didn't work. I picked him up and carried him to the sandlot where the rest of us were meeting. "How are you feeling sis?" Eric asked. "Great." I lied. "Really." "Don't worry about it Eric. I can handle it." "We heard what happened." Benny said. "Guys I came here to play ball, not to be felt sorry for." They all looked at the ground. Then I noticed Yeah-Yeah wasn't there. "Ham, where is Yeah-Yeah?" I asked. "Well you see Doll Face," "DON'T call me Doll Face!" "Jesus. Anyway he said he won't be here for a little bit. Said he had to do some things." "We can still play without him right?" Eric asked. "No problem." Smalls said. "Small, Squints, where are your girlfriends?" Bertram asked. "I don't know. Brielle said she was gonna do some things today." Smalls replied. "Ella has to do chores. That's all I know." Squints said. "Stop your yappin and let's play some ball!" Benny yelled.

                * * * *

        "Alright guys. Meet here around 8 tonight. Someone tell Brielle, Ella, and Yeah-Yeah." Benny said. As the others were riding away on their bikes, I stayed behind to talk to Benny. "Benny. How are you not worried that something happened to Yeah-Yeah?" "Because R, he told me what he was doing." "What is he doing?" "Can't say R." I sighed. "What's the plan for tonight asked. "What we always do." "Can't we do something different for just one day?" "No R. We stick to baseball." I rolled my eyes and walked to grandpas. "What was all that about Ariel?" grandpa asked. "Nothing." "Brielle and Ella are here." Eric said. I walked into the living room and sure enough they were sitting on my couch. "Where were you guys all day?" I asked. "I was just hanging out with some friends." Brielle said. "I've been working all day." Ella said. "Well just like you two, Yeah-Yeah wasn't there either." "Let's go over to his house." Ella said.

                * * * * (Sorry for all of these I have an idea and I don't know how do get up to it sorry again)

        "Summer where is Yeah-Yeah?" I asked. "Like I've told you the last 5 times, I don't know. But Amy did say when she came over earlier, that she saw him at Vincent's." "Thank Summer." We rode to Vincent's and saw Yeah-Yeah sitting there. "Yeah-Yeah, where have you been?" I asked. He jumped, looked up, then looked back down. I sat down by him and grabbed his hand. I could see tears forming in his eyes. He opened his mouth and what came out next I did not expect. "I don't think we should date anymore."


OMG guys! I am so sry for not updating sooner. School has been crazy and so has winter break. The next chapter will have lots of skipping places even times. There might even b only a few more chapters left of this story. Plz read my Maze Runner fan fiction and my new story Rain On The Petals. If I can get as much reads on those as I did with this tht would b the most amazing thing ever. Rain On The Petals does have a copyright, because when I'm finished with it I hope to publish it. But first I want to know wht you guys think. Thx for staying with me the whole time! Stay Beautiful!!!!!!!

Whatever Yeah-YeahTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang