Chapter 27

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*Yeah-Yeah's POV*

"She moved in with Brielle?" Kenny asked.

"Yeah Yeah..."

"Brielle isn't even letting me come over either. She wants to have time to get to know Katie." Smalls sighed.

"Why are we getting upset over girls? C'mon guys! We were fine before them, we should be fine now." Benny yelled.

"You're only saying that because you and September are in loooove." Ham laughed.

"Summer is almost over guys! Can we play some ball or what?"

"Sorry Bennyman, but I just need to go home." 

I started walking back, and I saw Ariel and Johnny with the twins.  

He can treat them better..

He knows how to take care of them...

He's better for them..

I'm such a screw up...

I walked inside my house, and as I passed the kitchen, I noticed something laying out.

I grabbed it, and locked myself in the bathroom.

I stared down at the metal, and I saw tears fall onto it.

"I can't do this anymore.." I whispered.

I dug the knife down my wrist and let the pain take over.

It's not like anyone would see. I'd hide them.

If Ariel saw, she would probably never let the kids near me again.

This had to be my secret...

My painful secret...

*Ariel's POV*

"Thanks for helping me out with the twins today. I tried to do it by myself, but-"

"I get it Ariel. I'm glad to help."

"Seems like they like you."

Peter and Belle were both in Johnny's arms playing with his face.

"Do they like Alan?"

I sighed.

"Ariel I'm sorry. Maybe he just can't be the great father you wanted him to be."

"Sometimes I feel like that might be true. But I love him. He's not perfect, but he's mine."

"Do you not see how he treats you?! Ariel, you can do so much better!"

I pushed him away.

"You're seriously telling me to break up with him, do date you?! You're crazy. Yeah-Yeah and I fight, yes, but so do a lot of couples. Maybe it's you who needs time away from me." I grabbed the stroller and quickly walked away, but I knew he would follow.

"You can't run from me forever Ariel! You and Yeah-Yeah won't last much longer."

As I got to Brielle's house, I decided to head back to Yeah-Yeah's.

1. Because the twins and I needed more clothes

2. I needed to see how Yeah-Yeah was doing

"Yeah-Yeah?" I asked walking in.


"Come here you two. Just sit in your play pins and I'll be right back."

I walked back out into the hallway, but still no one.


I heard shuffling and I moved towards the sound.

"Yeah-Yeah are you in there?"

"Yeah-Yeah I'm..f-f-ine." I heard him stutter.

"Are you okay? Alan let me in."

"No it's kk. I'll be out in a sec."

"Alan Michael McClennan you open up this God damn door now!"

I was beginning to shake.

The door slowly opened and out stepped Yeah-Yeah.

"See? I'm fine. You don't need to worry." He sassed.

"You're really good at scaring me."

"Sorry." was all he could say.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked grabbing his hand.

He nodded.

"Just tired is all."

I led him into his room and helped him get into bed.

"No no. Shirt on."

"You're gonna burn up. It's like 90 degrees out there, and you're wearing a long sleeved shirt."

He shrugged.

I sighed and kissed his forehead.

"You're funeral."

I quickly changed into some comfy shorts and a tank top and helped the twins fall asleep.

When I walked back into Yeah-Yeah's room, he was sitting straight up.

"What is it?"

"Can't sleep. Will you lay with me?"

"I need to clean up and do a few chores. I'll come in and check on you later, okay?"

He shrugged and laid back down.

*Yeah-Yeah's POV*

"Get rest Alan."

I nodded and Ariel walked out.

She doesn't love me.  She's just mothering me. 

She feels bad for me. 

Or maybe it's just an excuse to get away from me...

I rolled my sleeves up and stared for a long time.

This was my escape.


Whatever Yeah-YeahUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum