Chapter 30

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"They seem adorable." Mertle said.

"Yeah, well they can be pains sometimes." I laughed.

I turned my head towards Al.

"He's doing okay." The doctor said.

"I just wish he would wake up. I could really use my big brother right now."

"Excuse me, Doc? There's another patient that needs you." A nurse said.

He nodded and walked out.

"So what happened between you and Alan." Mertle said, crossing his arms.

"He's gone crazy! He was cutting and then he stopped but he was angry and I left."

"And left Eric there with him?"


I got up to get a phone, but Mertle started chuckling.


"Alan's mom called me and told me everything that happened. Eric isn't there. He's at his friend's house. They have Alan locked up at the moment for everyone's safety."

"Have they had a Doctor to see him?"

"He won't let anyone see him. He either yells, screams, throws, kicks, hits, or cries."

"I shouldn't have left." I sighed.

I heard a noise behind me, and I turned to see Peter waking up.

"Hey sweetheart."

(A/N I know that they're probably not old enough to not breast feed but just go with what happens. Sorry)

I picked him up and looked at Mertle.

"Hold out your arms Grandpa."

He did, and I placed Peter in his arms.

"Peter?" He asked.


Peter seemed to enjoy sitting with him.

"Have you gotten any sleep?" I asked.

"Some." He laughed.

"Why don't you go out and sleep for a little bit. I can stay."

He sighed.

"I know there's no arguing with you."

I put Peter back with Belle on the floor, and helped Mertle up and grabbed his cane.

"I have him from here." A nurse said.

I nodded and watched them walk away.

Sitting down by Al, almost made me start crying.

"How are you buddy? I know you can't answer, and maybe not understand me. But um, it's me. Ariel. Your little sister. I guess I'm not so little anymore since I have children."

I looked towards them and picked them up.

"You remember Yeah-Yeah? These are our kids. Peter and Belle."

Peter poked Belle's cheek and she giggled.

"They're a lot of fun."

I set them down on the bed near Al and they looked at him.

"They're not old enough to understand what's going on with you, or their dad. Alan isn't in the hospital he's just..going through some rough times."

I told him everything that had happened. I couldn't tell if he was listening, but it felt good to finally tell someone.

"It's like I'm one person to him one day, and the next I'm a nobody to him. He's had these awful outbursts ever since the twins were born. I don't get it. Does he not want them? Is he disappointed? Maybe he's scared to be a father." I sighed.

"Maybe he's scared to be my boyfriend now. I mean, we're not even 18 yet! How am I supposed to go to college, or even get a job when I have to watch the twins?"

"Don't get me wrong, I love Yeah-Yeah with all my heart. I even remember when we first said I love you, and I don't mean when we yelled it at each other."


It was a starry night. Yeah I know, romantic story Cliche.

But it was.

Everyone had left to go home, but Yeah-Yeah and I decided to stay a little while longer.

"You sure you can stay longer? I don't want you getting yelled at." Yeah-Yeah said shyly.

"Aw Yeah-Yeah. Are you worried about me?" I joked.

"Yeah-Yeah." He whispered, almost like he was sorry.

I put my finger under his chin and made him look me in the eyes.

"Thank you. It feels good to have someone be worried about me. I mean like cause that means they care about you not "good" because they worry I'm not happy you're worried I mean I am but-"

His lips silenced me.

"You're cute when you do that, you know?"

I blushed and kissed him again.

Looking up in the sky, I saw a shooting star.

"Make a wish Yeah-Yeah."

"What should I wish for?"

"Lifetime supply of gum?"

"No amount of gum can compare to this. I'm in love with the most beautiful girl. What more could I wish for?"

"You love me?"

Yeah-Yeah froze once he notices what he said and blushed.

"Yeah-yeah I mean, I get all nervous when I'm around you, and before I met you I felt so alone. Then you came along, and the minute I saw you smile my stomach went crazy. When we're apart my heart feels like it's getting ripped out of my chest, like it wants to be closer to you."

Every word and every sentence he became more confident it what he was saying.

"I feel like I need to protect you. You're the only thing I need Ariel. So yeah. I love you. I love you Ariel!"

I was shocked on what he said. He was never like that.


I put my hand on his cheek and smiled up at him.

"I love you too Alan."

*end of flashback*

Peter was messing with Al's hand, when I saw it move.

"Al! D-d-did you just move your hand."

His eyes slowly turned towards me, and a slow tiny smile rose on his face.



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