Chapter 41

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*Ariel's POV*

How did he find us? 

I really liked this town. I didn't want to move again just because Alan was here.

But I still haven't forgiven him for what he did to me. 

"Ariel, you're spacing out again." Sam said.


"What's got you thinking today?" She asked.

"My husband came to town."

"The one that cheated on you?"

I sighed.

"Yes that one. He's watching the kids right now."

"You would trust him with them?"

"He's their father. They haven't seen him in months. Besides, he didn't cheat on them."

"Can I give you some advice?"

"Do I have a choice?" I laughed.

"Let him explain. Maybe give him another chance. Let him stay with you, with his kids. Don't just toss him out on the street again. Fall in love with him again."

"That's the problem. I never stopped loving him."

"Then why can't you-"

"Because my parents's marriage failed. I'm their child. I'm afraid that if I let him back in, I'll turn into my mother, and I'll make Peter and Belle's and the baby's life miserable."

"Just talk to him. You don't need this stress during your pregnancy." 

(A/N I'm lazy like always and you all know how bad I am with timing and stuff. If I remember correctly, I think she's 7 months. If you know go ahead and tell me in the comments.)

"I guess you're right. But what I really need to do is get back to work."

"I don't know how you're coaching a baseball team while you're pregnant."

"It's a lot of work. Coaching all 3 teams gives me headaches."

"So you did decide to do all three?"

"You never can start them too early. Little league is so cute too! Junior league is the age group that I met Alan. It's a great time for baseball. High school league, I can relate to their problems, and things."

"I'm sure they will love a female coach. This town has never had a female baseball coach."

"Then this town is going to meet it's best."

*a few hours later*

As I walked onto the porch, there was no noise coming from the house.

I quickly entered and yelled, "Alan? Peter? Belle?"

I searched around the house.




I turned to the door.

"Where were you?"

"We went to the park. Is that such a crime?"

"No. You just scared me is all."

"Hi Mommy!" Peter yelled hugging me.

"Hi sweety."

"I guess I should be going now." Alan softly said.

"No Daddy, stay." Belle gave him the puppy eyes. 

"I wish I could Belle. But Mommy and I made a deal. I could watch you while she was at work, but once she came home, I would leave."

"Alan," he looked at me, "Why don't you stay? It was a great help you were here. And I don't have to pay you."

"Daddy see? Mommy wants you to stay too!" 

"I guess I can stay."

* a little bit later*

"They are so hyper. How do you get them to sleep?"

"I don't. They usually wear themselves out. I guess they couldn't fall asleep without knowing where their dad was."

Alan sighed.

"You still haven't forgiven me, have you?"

"I just don't want this marriage to fail like my parents's."

"It won't. We love each other. Don't we?"

"Of course I still love you Alan! I'll always love you!"

He smiled and took a step near me.

"But I need to get used to you being around again."

"I guess I'm sleeping on the couch then."

"I guess you should."

About 30 minutes later, Alan was laying on the couch, and I stood in the hallway of my house. 

I could hear the voices in my head telling me to walk away.

But I chose not to listen to my head, but instead, my heart.

I crawled onto the couch as much as I could, and Alan wrapped his arm around me.

I missed this.

But it was uncomfortable.

"Alan, not that I don't love cuddling with you, this just feels weird."

"Then I guess you shouldn't lay with me." He whispered.

"Stop doing this Alan! Stop being so sorry and sad. Now get your ass off that couch and into a real bed."

He smiled.

"There's the woman I married."

"Yeah, and she's pregnant, so you better not piss her off." I laughed.

He followed me to the bedroom, and I flopped down on the bed.

He stared at me.

"Are you scared of a bed Alan?"

"Just who's in it." He laughed.

"If you need to wash or change or anything, the bathroom's down the hall."

Alan nodded, but started undressing anyway.

Don't worry, just down to his boxers. 

"Sorry is this not-"

"Shut up and get in bed."

He climbed in beside me, and held me close.

"I missed you so much Ariel."

I grabbed his hand, and laced our fingers.

"I missed you too Alan."


Wow! I actually updated. Okay, to make something clear, she keeps saying Alan a lot for a certain reason that you will find out in chapters coming up.

This A/N was short. (Like me)


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