Chapter 19

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5 months pregnant

It was Christmas Eve. I was finishing up with the presents when Yeah-Yeah came and sat down next to me.

"And why aren't you in bed?" I jokingly asked.

"Well I gotta wait for Santa Claus." he replied in a little child's voice.

I smiled at him and put the presents under the tree.

"I got a surprise for you." Yeah-Yeah said, hugging me.

"What surprise have you got for me?"

Alan smiled and led me outside and to the Sandlot.

I was in shock.

A tree was in the middle of the field and was all lit up.

All the boys and girls were there.

"This is beautiful."

"Well, I have some news." Brielle said wrapping her arms around Smalls.

"And that is?"

"I'm pregnant."

We all turned to her.

"Brielle that's amazing!"

I hugged her and Smalls.

"Yea. I guess you don't have to be the only one for a while."

I turned to face everyone.

"I'm glad I'm spending this Christmas with you guys."


"Ariel Ariel wake up! It's Christmas!" Eric shook me.

"But I'm tired."

"Then I guess you don't get a kiss today." Alan mumbled.

"You know that means neither will you."

Yeah-Yeah and I smiled and got out of bed and walked to the living room.

"Merry Christmas Alan and Ariel."

"Merry Christmas."

I sat down on the couch and Alan put a blanket on me.


He smiled at me then leaned down to kiss me.

"Ewwww. Alan and Ariel are kissing!"

I grabbed Eric and started kissing him all over his face.

"Ew sis stop."

I let him go and Alan sat on down next to me.

"Alan I need you to help carry breakfast out."

"But mom!"

"Don't but mom me."

I laughed.

"She's right you know."

Yeah-Yeah grabbed my legs and placed them on his lap.

"Ariel's having really bad pains and I'm helping her relax. Sorry I'm busy."

His mom rolled her eyes and we both laughed.

"Can we open presents now?" Summer asked.

"Summer be patient."

Summer huffed and sat on a chair.

Eric sat on the floor.

Soon, we were ready to open presents.

*Time skip* (sorry I really don't know what to write."

Whatever Yeah-Yeahحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن