Chapter 42

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"Alright, well, hi everybody. I'm Ariel McCleanen and this is my husband, Alan. We're your new coaches. What we're going to do is have everyone try out together. We're going to split you guys up into two teams. And yes, everyone gets mixed together. It doesn't matter your age. We're looking for how you can get along with people, if you can help people, and then we look at your skills."

I nodded to Alan, and he made them get into one big line, and numbered them off.

"Now, highschoolers, I want you to count up how many you have of each level."

I let them do that, and it seemed pretty even. 

"Let me just move a few people around so it's even."

Once we were all settled, Alan through me a bat.

"One volunteer from each team, come here."

They walked towards me, one on each side.

"I really hope you guys know how to do this."

I threw the bat in the air, and one caught it.

They stared at it, until the other one put his hand on it, then continuously."

"Alright," I said to the boy who one, "You wanna bat first, or pitch first?"

"Let's pitch first." He smirked.

The teams got arranged, some of the older boys showing the littler ones where to stand.

"Work to your teams ability, but also remember that there are little ones here who have never played before. I don't want to see your full strength, and no showing off."

Alan blew his whistle, and the game began.


It was the second inning, and one of the younger boys was up to bat.

I could tell he was nervous.

"It's alright bud. You don't have to hit it."

When the ball was pitched, he tried, and missed.

I heard a snicker, and I turned to the dugout.

"Do you have something to say?"

The boy shook his head. 

"What's your name?"

"Kyle Blaine."

"Are you laughing at him because he isn't as experienced as you?"

One of his friends whispered something to him.

"I just think this idea is stupid. You should be looking at our skill, not how we get along with little kids."

"Baseball isn't about skill. It's about having fun with a great group of people."

"Kyle, you're going to have to have a better attitude if you want to be on a team." Alan said.

He rolled his eyes.

"Let the game continue."

*2 hours later*

"You did a great job." Alan said, rubbing my shoulders.

"I still don't know about Kyle."

"Give him a chance. We gave you a chance, and you were a girl."

"Benny gave me that chance, not you." I laughed.

"Still," he smiled, "just see how he does. I know you can bring the best out of him."

"Mommy!" I heard Peter yell.

I turned to see her little feet carrying his towards me.

"Hi Peter! How was your day with Miss. Holly?"

Miss. Holly ran a day care in the town, and she told us it would be no trouble at all to watch them.

"It was great! We had animal crackers for a snack!"

"You love your animal crackers, don't you?"


"Daddy?" Belle asked.

"What is it sweetie?"

"How long are you going to be staying?"

"Hopefully a while Belle."

"Good. Because I don't want you to leave."

"Neither do I Belle." I smiled. 

*a few months later*

"Hey Ariel, Smalls sent us a letter."

"What did he say?"

"So, Brielle, Katie and him are still living in the town."

"Didn't everyone else move out?"

"Yeah. And they're getting ready to move too."

"That means none of us will be living there anymore."

"That's right. They asked us to meet them at the Sandlot this weekend before they move."

I got up and walked to the phone.

"Who are you calling?"

"I have to get us off work this weekend Alan. And then I'll see if Mertle can watch the kids while we're with the gang."


"What is it Alan?"

"If everyone is moving from the Sandlot, does that mean we have to grow up?"

I laughed.

"I guess we all have to grow up sometime."

"But what's gonna happen to the Sandlot once we're not there?"

"I'm sure another group of crazy kids will come by and make memories like we did."


Guys I'm crying. There are only going to be 1-3 more chapters of this story. If I cry at the end of this, you better be crying too. This is all for you guys. You've kept me going throughout this entire story, and I can't believe where we've ended up. You guys are the best.

Stay strong and beautiful! 

Whatever Yeah-YeahDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora