Chapter 31

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"How are you feeling Al?" A doctor asked.

"A little hungry. Actually, a lot hungry."

I laughed.

"We'll get you anything."

"You know what I really want? Some steak. But also a PB&J."

"How would you like your steak cooked?"

"Medium rare."

The doctor nodded and walked away.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I mean, I'm a little weak and stuff but I feel practically fine."

I nodded.

"Are you okay?"


"Just cause I was in a coma, doesn't mean I didn't hear you."

I sighed.

"Go back." Was all he said.

"You just woke up. There is no way I'm going back now."

I heard Belle and Peter start "talking" and Al turned his head towards them.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for their birth."

I grabbed his hand.

"Don't be sorry. It was pretty painful." I laughed.

"Peter and?"


"Nice names little sis."

I smiled.

"Yeah-Yeah likes them too."

"When I get out of here, we're going home." 

"What about college or something?"

"You're gonna come live with me. I'll buy a house in the area."

"Al, I'm living with Yeah-Yeah. If I have to move out, I'm living with Mertle."

"Why? Aren't you in the way?"

"No Al! I love him and he loves me! So does his family. Although we may fight, he's there for me and I think he's the greatest person ever!"

Al smiled and crossed his arms.

"I know what you did you butt." I laughed.

*a few weeks later*

"Hey Al!" Eric yelled.

"Eric, calm down. He's just getting back. Give him some space." 

Al sat down and I placed the twins by him. 

"Watch them please? I have someone to go talk too."

He nodded and I walked to Benny's house.

"R!" He said hugging me.

"Hey Benny."

"Where have you been? Yeah-Yeah's been going crazy!"

"That's why I came over. I want to know how he's been from your point of view."

"He's not good. Still locked in his room. Won't come out. He won't even see us."

"I'm gonna head over there. Any advice?"

"Don't yell."

I nodded and walked over to Alan's house.

Alan's mom was sitting on the couch with her hands over her head.

I cleared my throat.


She smiled.

I pointed towards Yeah-Yeah's room and she nodded.

I slowly walked in, and calmly said, "Hey."

He looked up at me, and his face stayed the same.

"You left." He voice croaked.


"The twins?"

"Away for now."

He looked down.

"Yeah. It's best to keep them away I guess. Even you're scared of me."

"I'm not scared of you."

I grabbed his hand.

"I love you Yeah-Yeah."

He ripped his hand from mine.

"Then why did you leave?"

"Because I felt the kids were in danger. You were going crazy. I had to do something."

"You could've just stayed somewhere else instead of leaving."

"Is there no getting to you?"

"Maybe if you hadn't had left, I wouldn't be like this!"

I know Benny said no yelling, but there was no way I couldn't. 

"Stop making excuses for yourself Alan! You were a danger hazard. What do you expect me to do? You were being violent. You really expect me to keep the twins around you in that situation?!"

He stood up.

"You scared the shit out of me Ariel! I thought you were gone for good! I had dreams about you telling me you hated me."

"Yeah-Yeah, I love you."

"Sure." He scoffed. 

I slapped him.

"What the hell?! And you're yelling at me for being violent. God Ariel!"

"Stop being stupid! Why would I come here if I didn't love you. Hopefully I smacked some sense into you. I'll come back when you've come back into reality."

I turned to leave but I felt a hand on my wrist.

"Let me go Alan." I said harshly.

Before I knew it, I was up against a wall.

"Do you know how hard it is? You're gone and I'm going crazy not being able to kiss you, and hold you and..touch you."

I shivered as his breath hit my neck.

"I don't want to hurt you." He whispered and let go of my wrists.

I looked in his eyes. I didn't see hurt. I saw a look of sorry.

"Yeah-Yeah," I said grabbing his face, "if you've missed me that much," I bent his head down to whisper in his ear, "then do something about it."

His lips immediately hit mine and we found ourselves falling on the bed...


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