✯Chapter 20✯

Magsimula sa umpisa

I walked over to my car and opened the door to put my stuff inside. I didn't notice there was a small note stuck to the windshield wipers until I was about to get inside the car. Surprised I grabbed it and opened the neatly folded note. It had the same words as in the text message that I received.

I looked around, but I didn't see anyone looking in my direction. Whoever wrote this knew who I was and what car I drove. Who was doing this? This wasn't something I could ignore anymore. This was starting to get creepy...

I got inside my car and dialed Levi's number. But he didn't pick up. I knew he must have been busy with work. That had to be it. He was fine, right?

I tried going grocery shopping, but my mind kept wandering off to Levi. I sent him a few texts asking him if he was alright and if he could call me back. But I kept waiting and waiting for his reply. I bought enough to make some spaghetti and meatballs and went to Coraline's house. Although I told Tina about visiting Coraline, I didn't tell Coraline about it. It was supposed to be a surprise anyway.

I pulled up in front of her house, turned the car's engine off and got out. Ever since I moved in with Levi I haven't been to Coraline's house anymore. I went over to her front door and knocked. Seconds later I was staring into Coraline's big surprised grey eyes.

"What are you doing here?" she asked me.

"I wanted to help you out with a few things," I said, holding the grocery bags up.

Coraline grinned and gave me a hug. Once inside I put the groceries away and started cooking for her. She said that Terrence's school had a meeting today, so I still had some time to do the cooking.

It wasn't until after I was done cooking that my phone started ringing. It was on Coraline's kitchen table, so I went over to it to pick it up. I thought that it was Levi. But when I saw that it was from a hidden number, I froze. What was I supposed to do? Pick it up? Just let it ring? I saw Coraline glance at me curiously, probably wondering why I wasn't picking up my phone. I didn't want her to worry, so I picked it up. I went over to the stove and pretended to be staring at the spaghetti.

"Who is this?" I asked in a hushed tone.

But there was no reply. The other end of the line was dead silent. I glanced at my phone to see if the call was still connected; it was. I frowned and hung up. Seconds later my phone was ringing again. Was this person seriously giving me a silent call? What the hell? I picked it up again and warned the person not to call me again. After I hung up, he was calling again.

"What's going on?" Coraline asked me worried, appearing from behind me.

"I don't know," I told her. I didn't want to worry her, but how could I if I was having trouble keeping calm myself?

I let the phone ring until it stopped. Finally it stopped for good. I went to my list of recent calls and blocked the number.

"What the hell..." I muttered under my breath.

"And you don't know who this person is who keeps calling you? Has this happened before?" Coraline inquired.

"I... Well he's never called me before..."

"He? It's a guy?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, I have no idea." A sigh escaped my lips. "It's fine, I blocked the number now."

I forced a smile at her to not worry her. I would do my very best not to be the cause of Coraline's miscarriage. Last time she got too stressed because of some things that were happening at work along with the stress of being a new mother that she ended up losing her baby. As her friend, I had to keep her happy as much as I possibly could.

Coraline didn't seem to buy it, but she didn't push into the matter.

I waited all day for Levi to get home. He didn't call me all day and I was getting extremely worried about him. As soon as I heard the front door open, I ran to it. He looked up at me surprised. I gave him a long hug.

"You're home," I said, feeling a wave of relief overtake me.

"Yeah, I'm home," Levi replied, "Although I appreciate the welcome back hug, I have to ask... Why are you shaking? Did something happen?"

I couldn't hide anything from him. I brought him to my room and we both sat on my bed.

"I'm getting some... weird notes and text messages," I told him.

He frowned. "What messages?" he asked alarmed.

I went over to my bag to grab my wallet. I remembered saving the note in there so that I wouldn't lose it. At first I thought of throwing it away, but I was thinking of going to the police with this. I handed Levi the note.

"I got this as a text message too," I said, reaching out to grab my phone on my pillow. I searched the text up and showed it to him. "Do you know anyone who has a grudge on you?"

"Do you mind if I keep your phone for a while?" he asked me, completely ignoring my question.

"Uh... sure..."

"Does it have a passcode?"

I told him the passcode, and he took a small notebook from his briefcase and a pen to write it down.

"Should I be worried?" I asked him.

Levi gave me a reassuring smile. "I'll find out who's doing this. Don't worry. Did you block the number?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Okay." He got up. "Did... you have a good day?"

I nodded. "I guess so. I was with Coraline for a few hours to help her around the house. And you?"

"You're a great friend," Levi said. He seemed distracted; he wasn't answering my questions. That wasn't a good sign.

I grabbed his hand. "Levi? Is something going on?"

He smiled. He gave me a soft peck on my forehead. "I won't let anyone hurt you," he said.

But his words made me even more concerned. I assumed that the threats were meant for Levi, but I didn't consider the possibility of them being directed towards me. Was someone after me?

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