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He's sweet like candy but he's such a man. ~ Ari


"Happy Birthday" I greeted him at the same time giving him the gift I bought him not too long ago.

I was a bit skeptical of what I can give him that would not be too corny. A watch would be nice, but it's too plain. I've thought about couply things as well, but it wouldn't be right because it wasn't any of our special day, it was his. Especially his. And at that time, I was having a hard time choosing.

Until I saw something by the street, from those vendors that sell accessories by the pavement, while I was walking back home from doing errands my mom asked of me.

It was a simple bracelet.

It was not made of anything special nor it has any of those many special charms thingy that dangle around it. It was like a black elastic band with a hint of red in it and a very little silver star at the center connecting each side of the band with a small chain. It would really suit him though, I thought.

"It comes with a ring."

"What?" I surprisingly said and quickly added, "Really? It does?"

And the vendor proceeded to show it to me.

It was beautiful. Simple but beautiful. Like a match made in the stars.

The ring was silver with a crescent moon engraved in it and lined with a shiny silver line at both edges of the ring surrounding it. This would suit him more than the bracelet. Manly but sweet. Maybe I would keep the bracelet and I will give him the ring. Hmm, but wouldn't it be too much to give him a ring? I pursed my lips thinking, having second thoughts and arguing with myself.

I heavily sighed and the vendor suddenly spoke, "Do you want to know a secret?"

Before I could respond, he continued.

"I especially made this. And it is the only one in the world. I actually made this while remembering my wife. She died, you see, a few years ago. She was so bright and she still is. Everytime I look up into the night, I would always think of her because of the moon. She was calm like the moon. She shined but not too bright that she would overshadow others. Instead she shared it, to everyone, to me. She shares the light in her, and I was enamored by the beauty she had with it."

I smiled while hearing the old man talk of his love.

"You know what, you should take this. I will give it to you."

Shocked to hear him say that, I vigorously shook my head and said,
"What? No, no, no. I will buy it."

"No, please. I insist. And I hope you will give it to someone who makes you feel like the way I did with my wife."

And that's what brought me today. Giving him a box, fit for a ring, intricately wrapped by me. And I, already wearing the bracelet, was trying to hide it from his sight until it was time to show him.

I was kind of nervous. Giving a boy a gift and a ring at that! I was holding my breath waiting for his reaction, for what he was going to say, for what he was going to feel.

He opened it slowly while looking at me, noticing that I was nervously rocking back and forth on my heels and fidgeting with my braid.

The damn boy was teasing me!

I narrowed my eyes at him, putting down my right hand, that was fidgeting my braid, at my back and pursing my lips signaling he should just get on with it. He smiled his lopsided smile.

And he opened it.

I looked up at him with wide eyes, waiting. He had his eyebrows slightly raised up, maybe by surprise? He took the ring out of the box and stared at it.

"Well... do you like it? Or was it too much? It's too much, right? I thought so too. Because it's unconventional for a girl to buy a ring for a guy and maybe corny too. Oh my god. Maybe I should return it. But, you know, it has a nice story behind it. I didn't actually buy it, you see, bec-----"

Suddenly, my mouth was covered by his own; molding his lips into mine. He kissed with fervor that I never knew he had. And I returned his kiss with the same fervor I never thought I had. I brought my hands up to his chest and he wound his arms around my waist, pulling me close. Before he could suck the life out of me, we parted slowly, catching our breaths.

"You really should stop talking too fast. And let me answer your first question before you ask for another."

His eyes glinting with mirth.

"Okay. Well?"

"Well what?"

"Your answer to my first question." I sighed. Trying to release myself from his hold but he wouldn't budge. So I settled in his arms and craned my neck up at him and waited with my eyebrows raised. My eyes expectant.

The damn boy just smiled! Then he pecked my lips again and leaned his forehead with mine.

"The moon, huh? Just like you

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"The moon, huh? Just like you. I will cherish it like I do you. And I love it. I don't care if it's unconventional because it is from you."

It became unexpectedly hot and I squirmed in his tight hold, wanting to get out of it. I can feel my face flushing. Gosh, him and his words!

I licked my lips and forced myself to cough trying to hide the blush that is definitely showing and said, "It came with a bracelet." I showed him my left wrist, finally out of his hold but still close enough within each other.

"Pretty, isn't it?" I said while looking at the bracelet. Then I looked up at him while grinning.

"I love you."

My wide grin slowly turned into something akin to shock as he suddenly and out of the blue just blurted the phrase out. But then, my "o" shaped mouth shifted back to a wide foolish grin.

The old man would surely be happy because I was giving it to someone whose light he radiates from his heart and soul, reflects into mine. Like what both the moon and stars do.

They shine together.

The Rising Star and the Silent Moon | [EXOPINK] [SeYoung] Where stories live. Discover now