Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Jerry perked right up at the chance to talk about his big plan. "So we'd build a sort of boutique off to the side, I'm thinking over there would be nice." He waved to the right, squinting at it with an artist's eye. "It's great for you, because you'll have exposure. Plus, I think people would be more willing to buy something when they're horny and a little tipsy."

She hummed and tilted her head. "So what, I rent the space from Robert for a monthly cost?"

Jerry nodded. "Yup! You get store exposure, and Robert gets to have a unique and classy aspect to his clubs that nobody else has."

Plus, what he didn't mention, was that I would be getting an extra monthly payment that I didn't have previously. I could live with that.

Patricia nodded. "What are we thinking for size and cost?"

I was fully prepared to answer with something quick and bullshitted, but Jerry plowed through. "Well, I was thinking an ideal size would be about 150 sq/ft, nothing too big or too small, just an average bedroom size. We could base the price off of average mall rental spaces..."

Jerry went on to talk about the benefits of the space and what might make the price doable for her, as well as a potential lease, but he didn't see what I was seeing.

Patricia looked at him with the smallest glint of amusement and adoration. I knew, without a doubt, that sending Jerry out here in some lace tights and a crop-top was a very good business decision.

"Sounds like a lovely deal to me," said Patricia, the type of woman to usually debate her way down to a good price. "You're pretty good at this, kid. If you need another job, feel free to let me know."

And then Patricia and I were shaking hands, and she was off. I blinked the second she walked out the door. "What did we all just agree to? I wasn't paying that much attention."

Jerry groaned. "You're the— oh hey, is that Moira? Moira, hi!"

Most of my employees had been setting up for opening time, and Moira had been moving to open the doors. She smiled and waved at Jerry.

"She's in my Chemistry class that Aidan teaches," Jerry sighed, blowing her a kiss. "Isn't she kinda hot?"

I wasn't concerned with how hot Moira was. I suppressed a grin. "Well that's hilarious. Aidan spent a good thirty minutes chewing her out the other night for being incompetent."

Jerry snickered. "He doesn't know that she's his student, does he?"

"We definitely won't be telling him."

"Well, it's fine. Now that she can't hear us, I'll just come right out and say it: I hate that shady bitch. If a headache were a person, it would be Moira. No tea, no shade, no pink lemonade."

"Hey! That is my employee you're talking about," I protested, but I had to hide my smirk.

With our boring business out of the way, and with my club having been successfully opened, I led Jerry to the backroom with a smile. He chattered about how much Moira was a bitch all through the halls

"Are we seeing your sex dungeon?" he asked with a sassy shoulder wiggle as we paused outside the door.

"Oh yes," I agreed, opening the door with my code. "You'll be happy to know that I get the biggest one. Which means more play space for us."

As Jerry squealed with delight and I put on a slight act of bravado, I was secretly a little nervous. This was really happening; after wishing for it for so long, I finally had Jeremy McQueen in my bed. What if he was disappointed?

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