Chapter 22

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Jennie looked at her with a spark in her eyes while Lisa waited with her hands in her pocket. Lisa's hair was blowing in the wind and she waited.

"I'm going to see my dad so maybe you can come over after," Jennie said. Lisa was getting ready to ask if she could with her, when Jennie stopped her. "My mom is going to be there. It's best if you just come over after." She said quietly and Lisa nodded in understanding. She was bummed that she couldn't see Jennie's father, but she understood. Jennie wouldn't be able to explain this or them to her mother.

"So just come over after?" Lisa asked and Jennie nodded.

"Of course." Jennie said softly and Lisa nodded. She knew she couldn't make physical contact with the woman. Instead, she just stared at her hoping she understood. Lisa smiled when Jennie nodded.

Lisa nodded back and walked away before she did something stupid, like kiss the teacher.

Lisa only knocked once before the door flew open. Jennie was clad in sweatpants and a tank top with her breasts on full display.

Lisa showered before she came over and was wearing basketball shorts and a soft black shirt.

"Hey, babe." Lisa greeted as she walked inside. Jennie just smirked at her.

"Hey." Jennie said in a raspy voice. Lisa pulled her in for a hug. She wrapped her arms around Jennie's waist and rested her body against her chest. Lisa stood there for a good two minutes (five), but who was counting?

"Babe." Jennie giggled out before Lisa sighed and finally pulled away.

"How was your dad's?" Lisa asked and Jennie nodded.

"Good, we just hung out as a family for a while. Now I'm here with you. I'm making lasagna, garlic bread and salad." Jennie answered and Lisa hummed in response.

"That sounds amazing." Lisa said as she followed Jennie into the kitchen.

"Smells good." Lisa commented as she took a seat at the dinner table and watched Jennie work.

She looked so comfortable which made Lisa happy. She watched Jennie do various things that she couldn't do at all, not if she ever tried. Jennie had just put the dish in the oven, when Lisa stood up and slowly walked over to her.

"We should go for a walk after dinner." Lisa suggested. Jennie nodded.

"That could be a good idea." Jennie said with a happy smile.

"We go back to school tomorrow." Lisa said as she kissed up Jennie's neck.

"I know," Jennie pouted and turned around in Lisa's arms. "I kind of wish we could just stay like this for a couple of days." Jennie said as she pulled Lisa closer to her.

"Me too." Lisa whispered as she leaned in and placed a sloppy kiss on Jennie's cheek.

"Gross." Jennie said with a grimace and wiped her cheek off. Lisa looked at her offended.

"You just wiped my kiss off."

"You just drowned my cheek in salvia." Jennie protested.

"That's it," Lisa said as she backed away from Jennie. "I'm never kissing you again."

Jennie looked at her with a glint in her eye which had Lisa already taking it back.

"Oh, really. What if I strip for you?" Jennie asked as she took dangerous steps towards Lisa, "I'm wearing a thong again." She whispered into Lisa's ear making the taller girl moan.

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