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Luna was usually one who thought of herself as a reasonably nice person

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Luna was usually one who thought of herself as a reasonably nice person. She was kind (even to those who didn't deserve it), she was honest (unless unneeded), and she was thoughtful. However, if you began to upset her or in any way anger her then, of course, she would act the exact opposite.

"Hey Luna, what would it take for you to go out with me?" Asked Marcus Teller, who was one of the many boys beside her.

She remained silent, pretending as though she didn't hear him even though she had nearly ten times. At this point, she was used to his never-ending voice that she found herself zoning out every period. However, this period was different because no matter how hard she tried she couldn't seem to focus on something else.

"Luna, did you hear me?" He asked.

"I did... Multiple times."

Marcus asked again, "So what would it take?"

The girl looked at him and said, "Honestly, I think my death."

She then rolled her eyes and looked back down at the worksheet that she knew she wouldn't finish by the end of the period. Luna heard Marcus' friends laugh at the rejection followed by him letting out an annoyed huff. She smiled triumphantly at her quick witted remark but it soon disappeared. 

"Has anyone ever told you that you have an amazing ass, Luna?" He then commented suddenly.

Luna looked up with widened eyes, not expecting him to say that to her out of nowhere. She looked around with slight shock as she made sure no one heard. She shook her head when she felt the heat rise to her cheeks. Normally she wouldn't get embarrassed by such comments however this time was different.

Marcus smirked and replied "Well lucky me then... Looks like I've got no competition."

His friends from beside him let out a small laugh while nudging him to continue. Luna forced her embarrassment down and it was quickly replaced with anger. She shut the open book that was on her desk and she folded her arms, leaning back in her desk.

"Yeah, because you're not part of it." Luna shot back.

Marcus grinned perversely and scanned her up and down "Oh I'm sure I can change your mind somehow-"

When another voice joined the conversation Marcus remained silent "Jesus Christ Marcus, would you shut up for once? Can't you go find another girl to suit you and your uncontrollable sex addiction?"

Marcus narrowed his eyes and started "Wanna say that-"

"I think I just did." Issac cut him off "Now you heard me... Go."

Marcus' jaw clenched before he slowly stood up and moved to another part of the classroom. His friends stared at Issac for a couple of seconds longer before they slowly followed after their leader, their eyes glaring daggers at the baseball player. Issac then moved up from behind Luna to sit next to her, taking the seat that was occupied by the other boy only seconds before.

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