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"She could have died, Jasper!"

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"She could have died, Jasper!"

"That's unfair, Rosalie, it's not his fault."

A defensive hiss followed before a sarcastic remark was made "Yeah right... And I'm not mean."

"You're being unreasonable." A small voice said.

"I'm being realistic."

Jasper's voice suddenly was heard "You don't think I know she could have died? You think I don't regret taking her out there? You don't think that I wish that it was me who got hurt?"

"I think that you don't know what consequences your actions have."

"Jasper... Don't say that. You can't blame-"

"Bella could have died too." The other voice piped.

Rosalie only laughed "Like I'd care if Bella died."

"That's enough, Rosalie. You're being too harsh. You need to stop blaming Jasper. Do you understand? We can't blame anyone for that matter as it was no one's fault. To do so would be unfair. Now, we're going to need to have a discussion when she wakes up." The stern voice paused "For now, we just have to wait to see how long it takes for her to wake. She hit her head very hard... And lost a lot of blood. It's a miracle that she even survived from the loss of it-"

Luna stirred, a small groan coming from her lips. She was able to see the light come through her eyelids and she slowly raised her hand to shield them. The sound of her heartbeat on the monitor began to speed up. The family studied her for a moment before the youngest brother stepped forward.

"It's too bright." Edward read her mind "Shut off the light."

Carlisle quickly flipped off the switch and the beeping gradually began to slow. The girl then opened her eyes to see five of the seven Cullen's surrounding her bed. She furrowed her brows and opened her mouth but nothing came out. Alice quickly grabbed a cup of water, handing it to her before she took a sip.

"About time you woke." Alice smiled softly.

Luna only smiled softly "W- what time is it?"

"Two-thirty." Rosalie told her.

"Are we still in Arizona?" Luna asked.

Jasper shook his head "No, we're in Forks."

Luna tilted her head, confused "How long was I asleep?"

The Cullens looked at one another before Carlisle explained "About a week."

"A week?" Luna asked, her eyes widening "What do you mean a week?"

No one said anything for a moment. The family only looked at one another for a few moments before they all looked at Jasper. He nodded before asking for a minute alone. The others nodded before exiting the room. Jasper then pulled over a chair, sitting next to her.

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