Epilogue I

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Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. ~Omar Khayyam

Third Person POV

*One Year Later*

"Ashy! Ashy! Ashy!" Luke yelled as he jumped on Ashton's bed. "Wake up!"

"What?" Ashton groaned.

Ashton and Luke ended up going to the same college and through a few pulling a managed to get a room together.

"It's Saturday and do you know what that means?" Luke asked.

"Why don't you go ahead and tell me, love?" Ashton smiled. Ashton knew exactly what Luke was talking about, but he liked to see the excitement on Luke's face. 

"We're going to the square!" Luke smiled as he jumped up. 

Luke and Ashton made it a tradition to go to the square - a shopping center in the area - every Saturday for one good reason. 

The street performers. 

Luke loved watching them, getting food, and going window shopping with Ashton. It made everything good. Also, there were very little college kids to bother them considering the fact that the majority of them were wasted. 

"Alright, alright, Lukey." Ashton laughed lightly. "First, let me get ready for the day, okay?" 

"Okie." Luke smiled and climbed off Ashton, Ashton noticed that Luke wasn't even wearing pants and chuckled to himself, Luke was so ready to leave. 

"Hey there Luke, you need some pants." Ashton smiled as he climbed out of bed. 

"Well I didn't say that I was ready!" Luke shrugged. "I just woke you up so you could get ready!' 

"Luke, you're not dressed and you haven't done your hair, I'm pretty sure I could sleep for at least another hour and be okay." Ashton laughed as Luke gave Ashton a playful glare. 

"Hey Ash," Luke said while they were getting dressed. 

"Uh, yeah?" 

"How'd you do on your math test?" Luke asked. He remembered Ashton freaking out about it and not wanting Luke's help. Which Luke could respect, but if Ashton bombed it, Luke would be there to tell Ashton he told him so. 

"B+." Ashton smiled. 

"With my help you would've had an A." Luke smiled and Ashton frowned before reaching over and smacking Luke's butt, making him let out a high pitched scream. "Hey! That's private property!" 

"Yeah, and it's my private property." Ashton winked. 

"You don't own me." Luke smirked. 

"I do too." Ashton said. "Your butt is mine Luke, admit it." 

"Never!" Luke yelled. 

Ashton didn't say or do anything else until Luke began to do his hair and every time Luke would lift his hand to his head, Ashton would smack it, making Luke get the gel all over his face. 

After a seventh time Luke finally snapped. "Ashton I will choke you with a bandana!" 

"This one?" Ashton pointed at the one on his head, the one Luke got him in the first place, the same old blue one. Starting Ashton's trend of wearing them on a regular basis. 

"Yes, I will soak it in your blood." Luke smiled wide. 

"Damn Luke." Ashton said as he plopped on the bed. "Relax!" 

"Don't tell me how to live my life." Luke said cheekily. 

"I will smack your butt again!" 

"When did you become so kinky?" 

"Hell, when did you become a pervert!?" 

"I think it started when I got my sass back." Luke smiled. It was true, ever since Luke moved in with Jamie, his mood became happier, his cutting less and less frequent, his eating habits evened out, and he became sassier and sassier and Ashton thought he was the cutest thing ever. 

Because it was. 

"Ashy-poo! I'm ready to leave." Luke smiled. 

"Shoes there Lukey-boo." Ashton smiled back at him. 

Luke glanced down at his sock-covered feet. "Oh yeah, almost forgot." So Ashton waited another five minutes for Luke before leaving with him. 

They drove to the square, listening to songs and singing at the top of their lungs. 

"You know," Ashton said, turning the music down. "I used to hate listening to music when I was upset."

"What?" Luke laughed. "That's like the opposite of anyone else." 

"Maybe I felt like, I didn't want my sadness to corrupt my love for music." Ashton shrugged. 

Luke sat silent for a moment. "That's literally adorable." 

"You idiot, I'm being serious." Ashton whined. 

"I know, I'm just saying that it makes so much sense, yet no one follows it." Luke said. "I feel like you can't ever get bored with music. You just move on, and when you hear a song you haven't heard in forever you're like 'oh my gosh, I love this song I used to listen to it all the time!' And you get really excited because it's been so long so you just scream the lyrics really loud." 

"Oh so you with the last five songs?" Ashton smiled. 

"I would push you but you're driving and I don't feel like dying today." Luke said, and Ashton just smiled even wider. 

"I never thought I would hear you say that, honestly." Ashton admitted. 

"Why? Did you think I was going to be sad forever?" Luke asked. 

"No, that's not it." Ashton said, shaking his head. "I thought I would lose you, before you had the chance to get better." 

"Ash," Luke said softly from his position in the seat. "I told you, no I promised you that I would never, ever leave you. And I'm still here. I always had to think back 'well, what would Ashton be like if he knew I died?' And maybe I thought you'd be better off, but you would be too..upset to admit it. I knew that's how I would be, at least." 

"That's a very caring trait, Luke." Ashton smiled. 

"How so?" 

"Well," Ashton began. "You always consider how others feel about certain actions you may take. Which, makes you all and all, a better person. You know?" 

Luke, smiled, as if he was proud of himself. "I know." 

Eventually the two ended the conversation and went back to listening to music. Ashton taping his fingers on the steering wheel while Luke sang guitar noises. (A/N: Me.) 

Not too much later did they arrive at the square. Where Luke bounced up and down with excitement. 

"Ready for a fantastic day?" Ashton smiled at Luke. 

Luke gave a nod and smile. "Always." 


Happy days :3 and a happy Luke. That's adorable for reals. 

Hope you enjoyed the first epilogue, the next may or may not be up tonight? I don't know because it depends on a lot of factors. But maybe. 

In the meantime.. 

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

Façade<Lashton>जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें