30 - Hidden Away

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We loved with a love that was more than love. ~Edgar Allan Poe

Ashton's POV

*One Month Later*

I sat on the couch, feeling dead, feeling numb. Luke was gone, never specified to me where, he didn't text me or call. And I had never felt so alone in my entire life.

I had been sitting here for what was probably close to a few days.

"Ashton," My mother said softly from the doorway.

"Please leave me alone." I said, barely above a whisper.

"Ashton listen to me please." My mother said softly.

"I'm sorry." I said and turned to her. "I'm listening."

"I know you're really bummed out about Luke, but you can't sit around here all day." My mother sighed. "Michael and Calum came over and you didn't even say a word."

"What do you want from me?" I sighed.

"You should drive up to Jamie's. She just got a new apartment and you could help her get settled. Maybe it would help you get your mind off things." My mother shrugged.

"Sure." I sighed. "I guess I'll drive up there, write down the address for me. I'm just gonna go get dressed."

"Okay hun." My mother gave a sincere smile when I went upstairs to change.

Inside was a messy memory laid room. Every night I held a crying Luke, every time I gave him clothes and his discarded clothes still laid through the room. I wore them all until his smell finally wore off. I gripped the sheets and wished he would return.

In other words, I was lonely.

"C'mon Ash!" My mother yelled. I sighed and walked down the stairs, seeing my car keys in her hand I took them and she handed me a piece of paper with my sister's apartment's address on it.

"Thanks mum." I sighed.

"Ashton this will do you some good," My mother said. "I promise." I nodded and walked out the door and into the car.

Turning on the key I pulled out of the driveway.

Snow settled on the city like a blanket, any other day I would be sure my mother would've said not to drive in this weather, but she must've been sick of dealing with me moping.

I turned on the radio but every word was so hard on me that riding on silence with my mind was better.

I had lost Luke, I knew it, no one ever confirmed it but he was too far from me. I had lost Luke, the one thing I had cared about and now I feel like I had taken him for granted. Like I didn't realize how much he meant to me until I couldn't see him again.

I noticed the tears rolling down my face and wiped them harshly with the back of my hand.

I finally arrived at my sister's house, taking a deep breath I got up and walked up to her apartment. Knocking on the door it almost immediately opened.

"Ash!" Jamie yelled, a large smile on her face. "Oh you look like hell, but welcome, welcome please come in."

"Gee thanks." I rolled my eyes, walking in I was shocked to see everything unpacked, decorated, not a box in the house. "How'd you get done so quick?"

"I had a bit of help. I'll show you around in a bit, but for now come in the kitchen I'll get you soda." Jamie smiled.

"Alright." I sighed and followed her into the kitchen, the sink had several plates in it, too many for Jamie alone.

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