22 - Confrontational

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It's interesting. People go to an animal shelter and pick a dog that's been kicked, beaten, and has lost a leg and an eye, they take that dog home and give it love and support, but they don't do that with people. ~Nikki Sixx

Ashton's POV

Luke fell asleep before they could even put a finger on him, and as a result I gave them permission to check him over, telling him when he was awake he would be too scared to let them touch him.

So, now while they finished up tests I sat on the side of Luke's bed, my back to him. The sound of machines echoing in the background.

They honestly had fixed Luke's head pretty well, they said the skin split upon the amount of impact it received, however any more force would crack his skull and then we would have something to worry about.

So I remained thankful.

They had cleaned Luke's cuts - every single last one. I remember seeing one of the nurses crying as she wiped his body.

I couldn't figure out why the sight, my boyfriend's disfigured body, didn't make me cry. Honestly, I didn't really feel anything when I looked at it. Like this was normal, but I have never seen Luke's body besides this.

"A-Ashy." Luke's voice croaked beside me. He sounded slightly more like himself, instead of the slightly drugged by pain Luke.

"Hey." I said softly, turning around to face him I instantly felt the pang of sadness hit me. His wrapped head, two black eyes, a bandaged nose, a bruised jaw and a busted lip.

"How bad do I look?" Luke gave a weak smile. "By the expression on your face I'm saying pretty bad."

"Yeah.." I sighed before climbing into the bed with Luke, he groaned as he sat up and winced as he moved over. His head resting on my shoulder.

"So, what now?" Luke asked. "I just go home again? Because a courtroom doesn't believe me?"

"No, we'll figure something out. If this isn't proof enough, I don't know what is." I sighed. "We can make them see and be on your side."

"I won't last another week in that house." Luke said. "Ash?"

I swallowed hard. "Yeah?"

"I - um..I-Is it too much to ask for you to-to get me a-a drink?" Luke asked and I gave a smile.

"Of course it's not too much to ask." I smiled, kissing his cheek I left and went to a nearby water machine and got Luke a plastic cup filled with water. When I returned to the room a few doctors were standing there, and I saw Sarah - the police officer who questioned Luke -standing outside the doors.

"What are you doing here?" I snarled.

"I'm a cop, and this is my job. When someone gets assaulted I have to show up." Sarah sighed.

"Yeah, what good it did last time." I scoffed. "Look at what happened?"

"You're blaming me because Luke lost the trial?" Sarah scoffed. "Look, the reason Luke lost was because he refused to testify."

"Look at him, he could barely confess to you, he can't get up in front of a courtroom, in front of his father and say that. Especially when he knows he could lose." I sighed.

"Look, Ashton." Sarah sighed. "We couldn't use any of Luke's confession for the trial. And now we can't revisit the case, that's against the law."

"This is like assault!" I snapped. "Look at him! You expect him to go home to the man who did this?!" My eyes filled with tears. "That man will end up killing Luke, and it will be all your fault. Can you live with that?"

"Look, now we can retrial it because Luke's been hospitalized and now you can say it's assault and child abuse, but you can't call his father out on attempt of assisted suicide." Sarah said.

"Anything at this point will be better then nothing." I sighed.

"And I think if Luke testifies, your case is secure." Sarah said. "In the mean time, just don't do anything dumb to ruin this."

"Yeah." I sighed. "If you could excuse me, I have to take care of my boyfriend." I paused. "Just in case I lose him."

"You seem so scared." Sarah commented.

"You can lose anyone in a moment, but Luke is a little different, because it seems like every moment I'm about to lose him." I said and walked I to the room.

"Hi Luke, doctors." I smiled. "I got you some water, love." I passed Luke the cup of water and he thanked me as he took a sip of it with a smile.

"So, we were just going to go over what's wrong with Luke. But he suggested we wait for you." The doctor smiled.

"Okay." I said and sat down on the bed.

"So, it appears Luke has bruising, we call can see that however. His wrist is sprained but will heal quickly." The doctor began as he read a clipboard. "It seems he has fractured two ribs and he has a concussion and a broken nose. Otherwise he seems okay. However there is a matter we must address.. I think you both know."

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Luke, you're considerably underweight and your body is injured extremely by your own means." The doctor said slowly. "We're thinking you should go and see some..Professional help."

"Like a therapist?" I asked.

"Like a mental rehabilitation center." The doctor said. "Luke I say this in the kindness way, you're extremely unstable and by what I know, I could say your thought process has been significantly warped."

Luke didn't say anything. Neither did I.

"I'll consider it." Luke spoke, a harsh tone.

"Okay." The doctor said slowly. "Um..You can leave once someone signs for you. I believe Mrs. Irwin will be alright for your signature."

"Good." Luke said.

"Now, I'll write you a prescription for your concussion, but I'll see you eventually." The doctor smiled. Luke nodded.

"I'll go get my mum." I said and left Luke alone in the room.

I needed to get Luke out of this mess, for the most selfish reason that I needed him again. I felt as if I was losing him and I needed help. Without him I don't know what I'll do.



Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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