12 - Click Click Click

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Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. ~Khalil Gibran

Ashton's POV

I knocked on Luke's door, I think we're going on the fourth minute. And although I was sick of knocking, I know Luke was even more annoyed with it.

Eventually the door swung open. A glaring Luke standing in the doorway.

"I hate you, I really do." He snarled and walked back into the room.

"Well easy now."

"You never listen, you confuse me, you give me all these mixed signals." Luke sighed. "Ashton stop messing with me I can't handle it anymore!"

"I'm not messing with you!"

"You're so, so damn frustrating." Luke snarled. "Can you please just leave!? I don't want you here!"

"Luke you cling to me like I'm metal and you're a magnet." I said. "And yet you always push me out! What are you afraid of?"

"Nothing, I'm not afraid of anything!"

"You are too!" I yelled, finally reaching the last my temper could take I grabbed Luke by the collar of his shirt and pulled the wide eyed boy close to me. "Listen here and listen good," He frantically nodded. "I am done playing your game. You either come clean to me or I will walk out that door."

"Ash.." Luke squeaked. His hands resting on my wrists.

"Tell. Me."

"Ashton please stop.."

"Luke, now."

"A-Ash l-let g-go.." Luke whimpered. "You're s-scaring m-me."

"Oh I'm scaring you?!" I snapped as I pushed him against the wall. "I'm scaring you, huh?" He gave a weak nod. "You're pathetic." I scoffed released him as his feet touched the floor and he shrunk away to the other side of the room. Tears running down his face. "Bye Luke."

"N-No Ashy don't leave." Luke whimpered. "Don't leave me.."

"Bye." I sighed an walked out the door. Leaving the poor boy in his misery.

I didn't know exactly what I was thinking when I did this. I know in a few days, maybe not even, I would want Luke back. And to think he would be okay, I was an idiot.

I walked to the school and entered my class, which just so happened to be at lunch.

"Hey Ash." Michael said. "You're late, where were you?"

"Luke's house." I shrugged. "Luke is still there. I don't think he's coming in."

"What? Why?" Calum asked, eyes growing wide.

"Because we got in a fight and I told him we aren't friends anymore." I thought it over. "And I might've pinned him against wall, called him pathetic, scared him and made him cry."

"And you left!?" The two yelled together.

"Yeah? So?" I asked. "Luke's a big boy, he can take care of himself."

"No he can't!" Calum snapped. "Luke can't take care of himself. Ashton he needs me and Michael and you! Do you realize how much you mean to him?"

"Yeah I do." I rolled my eyes. "Trust me, Luke got drunk as hell last night and I know all about how he feels."

"You let him get wasted?!" Michael snapped.

"I was sleeping! I didn't know he was drinking until I found him drunk." I ran my hand through my hair. "He thought I was his mum."

"That poor boy." Calum breathed. "Look, we need to go back to Luke's."

"We won't be able to just her up and leave." Michael said. "School wouldn't allow it."

Calum smiled. "But maybe the teacher would."

So when lunch ended and we headed the class we walked straight up to the teacher.

"Um we have a little bit of a problem." Calum said. "We're worried about Luke."

The teacher scrunched his eyebrows. "Our Luke? Luke Hemmings?"

"Yes." Michael nodded.

"What's the matter with him?"

"Well, Luke didn't show up to school today," Calum said. "And Ashton was with him but they got in a fight so Ashton left. And so Luke's home alone."

"Point being?"

"Luke's very..Depressed." Michael said. "We're worried he'll do something.. Irrational." The teacher sat wide eyed for a moment. Shocked, just as I would be.

"I'm not allowed to let students leave campus.." He said finally. "But this seems like an emergency. And if you are telling the truth, only one of you can go."

"Well..Who's going to go?" Michael asked and Calum looked at me. "Him?"

"Why me? Look at the damage I've already done." I said.

"Because..Who does Luke love more then anyone in the world?" Calum said and pointed at me. "If anyone could knock any sense into him, it would be you. He'd listen to you over us any day."

I took in a deep breath and nodded before we turned back to the teacher.

"Ashton is going." Michael said. The teacher nodded and released me from the class.

I hurried back to Luke's house, hoping that he wasn't stupid enough to try anything. Whatever that meant. Although, I wasn't very nice to him. It was always my job to look after Luke, make sure he was happy. And I was sure doing a hell of a job at it.

So I ran up the steps to his house and swung the door open. I don't care if anyone was home or not, I would help Luke.

I walked up the stairs, hearing sobs from Luke's room was more then the relief that I needed.

I let out a sigh as I leaned against the wall outside the door before standing up and opening the door.

And what I saw was not the relief I thought it to be.


CLIFFHANGER HA. Lol I'll update soon it's okay don't worry it won't be a cliffhanger for that long. And it's probably a very easily guessed cliffhanger xD


Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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