21 - The First Beating

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I don't have high expectations anymore. Maybe they've all been beaten out of me. ~Elisabeth Shue

Luke's POV

"I'm home." I yelled through the house. "Father?" I dropped my bag. "Where are you.."

I walked farther into the house and heard some sort of..Moaning.

"Father?" I said a little louder until I reached his bedroom door. I knew what was going on. I definitely did. But like the fool I was I opened the door and let out a scream.

"Dammit Luke!" My father yelled as he covered his and Sandra's body.

"I-I d-didn't - ah.." I trailed off without words. My father pulled on pants before pushing me out into the hall and into my room.

"You messed up Luke, you really did." My father snarled. "I'll teach you to know better."

[Abusive Scene]

He pushed me back up against the wall, slamming me against it a few times before turning and throwing me to the ground.

"Dammit!" I yelled.

"What was that you pathetic boy!?" My father yelled, climbing onto me he punched my face until it went numb, kicked my sides until they felt broken and twisted my limbs until they felt detached. As a finished touch he climbed over and onto me, smashing my head off the floor, once, twice and three times.

By now my vision was blurry and everything hurt so much that I couldn't feel a thing.

"You Luke are crossing very thin lines, didn't I ever tell you that I will beat you senseless? You just can't win." He scoffed. "You simply cannot win. The court doesn't believe you, a jury doesn't believe you. Or maybe they just don't care. Because you're Luke Hemmings, and you're nothing special. I have never been so disgraced to share a last name with anyone." My father leaned down to my ear. "You should just leave for good. There's a gun, right there." My father picked up the gun, turned it around and smashed against my jaw.

"Watch yourself." My father snarled, sinking his thumbs into my wrists as I cried out. He slid me across the floor and into the wall before walking out.

[Okay Abusing Over]

I groaned, and placed a shaking hand across the back of my throbbing head. When I pulled it back I noticed a red color across the tips of my fingers.

I pulled myself along the floor, grunting.

I eventually stood up but my vision was blurry, disoriented I was indeed. I stumbled around as I finally reached the door, ignoring the moans this time as I stumbled off the front steps and left - in the direction of Ashton's house.

I fell twice on the way, and eventually maid it to his front door. I only had enough strength to knock once as I leaned against the railing of the porch. The door opened and revealed Ashton who sat wide eyed.

"A-Ash.." I whimpered.

"Oh my gosh, Luke." Ashton said, he took me in his arms and carried me into the house. Setting me down on the couch.

"M-My h-head." I mumbled, weakly looking up to Ashton.

"What about it?" Ashton asked and I reached out to the back of it. Ashton instantly picked up on his and saw my blonde hair slightly tinted.

"What did he do to you.." Ashton mumbled. "Mum!"

"Sh." I mumbled.

"Sorry," Ashton sighed as his mother ran in the room. "We need to take Luke to the hospital."

"What happened?" She asked before seeing me and gasping. "Oh my gosh."

"His heads bleeding, or at least it was." Ashton said.

"Ash, put him in the car." His mother said.

"N-No.." I mumbled when Ashton picked me up.

"Yes." Ashton kissed my forehead gently before we ran outside to the car and I was slid in the back seat. Ashton was freaking out a lot while I laid hazily in the back. His mother having to shush him several times.

When we got to the bright white building Ashton picked me up out of the car.

"A-Ashy." I mumbled.

"Yes Luke?" Ashton responded.

"Am I dying? I can't tell.." I mumbled.

"W-What makes you think you're dying?" Ashton asked.

"Everything is blurry, and I'm tired." I said.

"Well Luke, you just hit your head and you need rest that the people here will give you." Ashton's mother said.

"I miss my mum.." I mumbled, beginning to let Ashton shake.

"He says stuff like this all the time when he's sad." Ashton whispered but I heard every word.

"I see. Poor boy." Ashton's mother sighed.

They brought me through the emergency room almost immediately when they saw me. I was being rolled down the hallway, my hand clutching Ashton's.

"What's going on?" I whimpered.

"They just want to make sure you're okay." Ashton said.

I would've asked a lot more questions if given the chance, fact was I wasn't given the chance. I fell asleep right there, still asking the same question of whether or not I was dead.

Because honestly it seemed like the better choice.

The last thing I heard anyone talking about was the cuts on my arms.


So this chapter was short and I just couldn't keep going with it anymore. So wait until the next one.

Okay bye.

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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