Next she began to study and do her homework. Since she was a seventh year she had studied harder than before because of all her important test that she'll need to take. She knew she wouldn't need to get a job with of the money she had inherited, but she still wanted to have every opportunity to do whatever she wanted.

And finally when she was done with that she had to patrol and make sure everything was alright. On the side she still worked on her time travel plan.

Her last couple of years at Hogwarts had been peaceful and she planned to keep it that way. Everyone by now knew of The Dark Lords revival and expected Lily to fight him. They also didn't understand why the Dark
Lord was acting and felt very weary all the time. They never knew when he was going to attack.

Lily on the other hand had been so close to figuring out her machine. She just needed to figure out her dates and how long she would be there for. She knew changing the past was dangerous, but she would do whatever it takes to fix everything.That's when someone had knocked on her door.

"What's up," Lily said. When she had opened the door she had saw Daphne.

"The headmaster would like to see you," She had told her.

"Thank you for telling me," Lily said as she and Daphne left her room. Lily quickly hurried to see the headmaster when she had bumped into someone.

"Lils, are you okay?" She heard a familiar voice say.

"Yea, where are you heading?" Lily asked Draco, quickly coming to her senses.

"I was just patrolling, but I'm on my way to make sure that the younger prefects are doing their job," He replied. "Where are you going?" He asked remembering that she had rushed into him.

"I'm going to see the headmaster," Lily said, but she began to smirk when a thought came to mind.

"Follow me," Lily said as she grabbed Draco's hand.

"Where are we going?" He asked confused.

"Shhh. Just be quiet," She said dragging him to an empty classroom.

"Why are we in here?" Draco asked while looking down on his shorter friend.

"I want a kiss," Lily told him as she smiled.

"Lily, didn't Pansy talk to you about this?" Draco asked. Of course he wanted to kiss her, but he didn't want feel as if he was taking advantage of her.

"Yep," Lily said as she nodded her head.

"So we can't," He told her.

"Can I please kiss you?" Lily asked cutely. Draco froze. His heart had already been racing , but now he couldn't feel it anymore. It was like time had stopped for him. He had fought the urge to kiss her right there and just sighed, trying not to give in.

"No," He told her.

"Why?" She asked as she pouted.

"Because Lily, you can only kiss the people you really like," He told her.

"I know. Pansy told me and I really like you," she said making his heart do little flips.

"It's a different type of like. Lily how did you grow to be such an airhead?" He asked her.

"Hey," Lily almost shouted, but she quickly covered her mouth. "I'm not an airhead," She quick whisper to him.

"You kinda are, now hurry up. Don't you have to see Dumbledore," Draco said referring to the headmaster. That's when he felt Lily grab his tie, to lower him. Before he knew it her soft lips were against his, but she quickly pulled away.

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