"You're the fucking love of my life. Please never leave, yeah?" he whispered, and how he had been so dominant the entire time, he sounded so vulnerable now, even though he tried hard not to.

"I promise," Julia replied.

The rest of the night had been a blur for her; Julia couldn't even remember how she fell asleep and when, but she got woken up from her dream by something lightly touching her face.


"Hmm?" Julia mumbled and she scrunched up her nose as the thing touching her face felt pretty itchy. She heard how Dom chuckled.

"Rex wants you to wake up."

Confusedly, Julia opened her eyes only to see the little teddy bear she had given Dom the night before just a few centimeters away from her face. Dom bumped the nose of the teddy bear against her cheek once again before taking it away and leaning in to kiss her forehead.

"You called him what?" Julia asked Dom, rubbing her eyes, smiling softly.

"Rex," Dom said proudly. "The name of our future son."

"That's why I recognized it," Julia said and she groaned but she couldn't help but crack a little smile. She suddenly remembered how Dom wanted to name their kid 'Rex' and she absolutely hated the idea. He loved to tease her with it, but it had been a while since he had done that.

"You know it's not gonna happen, huh? Our son is not gonna be called fucking Rex." Julia rubbed her eyes once again and pushed herself up so she was sitting, covering her chest as she had fallen asleep naked.

"Once we get a son I've convinced you already," Dom said determinedly as he hugged the teddy bear to his chest. He was fully clothed already and his hair was wet, meaning he had already taken a shower.

Normally Julia was the first to wake up, but today was Dom's first day of tour so she wasn't even a tiny bit surprised he was up already.

"Bet," Julia said to him, frowning to give him a playful look. He sticked his tongue out and turned around to grab something.

"So, what time are we-"

Julia stopped in the middle of her sentence when Dom turned around with a whole plate full of fruit and some baked bread.

"Why- Dom-"

"I made it for you," Dom said proudly as he walked over to the bed again and gently placed it on Julia's lap. "Just a few minutes ago."

"Honey why?" Julia asked him, softly tugging his arm so he would sit down next or her on the bed. He did and kissed her cheek before he rested his head on her shoulder, looking down at the plate.

"Because you're the best," was all he said. Julia pouted and stroke his cheek with one hand as she picked up a fork with the other to eat the fruit.

"It's supposed to be your day," she told Dom, and she looked down at him for just a second, just on time to see a smile forming around his lips.

"Our day."

"Shut up," Julia denied it, biting down on a raspberry and enjoying the fresh taste she needed a lot as she had been really hungry ever since she fell asleep.

Dom didn't respond anymore and just calmly had his head on Julia's shoulder, looking at the plate the entire time. Julia noticed he wasn't really calm, though, by the way he kept moving his leg up and down.

"I'm nervous," Dom said with a small voice, as if he could read the way Julia looked at him. While he said it, he turned his head to bury his face in the crook of Julia's neck and slowly breathed out, leaving goosebumps all over Julia's body.

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