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Julia: hey i know you probably still don't want to talk to me but i really wanted to check up on you. i'm worried about you and i just want to make sure you're okay.

Dom: you were totally right when you said i don't wanna talk to you

Julia: hey

Julia: i just want to know if you're okay

Dom: why do you care

Dom: didn't you want me to forget you so i could focus on my career

Dom: which apparently is more important than being happy

Julia: you're twisting my words dom :/

Julia: i just want the best for you

Dom: whatever just do not text me again

Dom: nor call me

Julia: i am so sorry it all went like this. i hoped it would to well and you'd understand why i did it. going back to doncaster for me wouldn't be worth giving up what you've got now. i wanted to protect you from making stupid decisions

Dom: you've been telling the same over and over again but it's not gonna help julia, just stop it

Dom: also how the hell would you even think it would turn out good? how tf did you think i would react?? "oh yeah let's break up even though i'm still fucking in love with you because that makes SENSE doesn't it???"

Julia: not like that obviously

Julia: i just don't know. i didn't know how i wanted it to go but i didn't want to hurt you like this

Dom: you sound so dumb

Dom: no one would ever randomly break up with someone when they're in love with them

Julia: i literally did it BECAUSE i'm in love with you

Dom: you've been saying that yeah but idgi

Dom: anyways, it doesn't matter. i don't have time for this right now.

Julia: are you at home?

Dom: why

Julia: just because

Dom: yes i am but i'm writing

Julia: okay

Julia: make sure you eat enough

Dom: what are you trying to do julia

Dom: if you try to make me soft for you it's not gonna work. i know it's not what you wanna hear but i'm literally heartbroken so if you don't mind i'll just go back to writing

Julia: i'm not trying to make you soft

Julia: i'm trying to check if you're okay and taking care of yourself because it's been keeping me up for nights now

Dom: well i'm doing okay thanks for asking

Julia: okay good

Julia: i'm sorry for everything okay dom

Dom: are you done?

Julia: i hope you'll understand or forgive me in a few months

Dom: pretty sure i won't understand you

Julia: sorry for bothering you

Julia: take care okay :(

Dom: sure

Dom: you too

Dom: oh while we're at it, i did want to thank max for taking care of you and hanging with you when i couldn't because i was in la

Dom: because that meant a fucking lot to me

Dom: so if you could tell him

Julia: :(( okay i'll tell him

Julia: i'll leave you alone then

Dom: yeah thank you

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