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Dom: i'm so bored

Dom: my best friend isn't responding to me

Dom: my songs all suck

Dom: the gym is closed

Dom: you're hanging :(((


Julia: dom :))

Julia: i'm sure your songs don't suck

Julia: i told my friends about you and how you're a singer and songwriter !!

Julia: conclusion we wanna see you play for us live one day

Julia: none of them knew about you though even though some of them were in art school a year before me

Julia: wait that sounds so sad i didn't mean to be rude or anything i'm sure you're a great artist

Dom: you weren't rude don't worry x

Dom: i'm glad you responded because i'm still bored

Dom: also maybe they didn't know my name because i performed with the name YUNGBLUD

Julia: yungblud



Dom: yes

Julia: i love that name omg

Dom: you do?

Julia: yes i like it so much

Dom: thank you :)

Dom: did you have a fun time hanging out with your friends?

Julia: yeahhh we skated around doncaster and then went to the beach to watch the sunset

Julia: that sounds like those 2014 tumblr things but it was fun

Dom: you skate?

Julia: yeah

Dom: cool

Dom: me too

Julia: nice

Julia: anyways i hate to say it like this

Julia: but my boyfriend is coming over in half an hour

Julia: so idk

Dom: i shouldn't text you then

Julia: it sounds so stupid wtf

Julia: i mean i don't wanna be rude but i don't want him to get mad at you again

Julia: and me

Julia: and i wanna keep talking to you so yeah

Dom: it's ok i get it

Dom: i won't text you until you tell me :)

Julia: thanks :)

Julia: what music do you like?

Dom: good question

Dom: i'm obsessed with queen

Dom: and arctic monkeys and the clash

Julia: the clash!! i love them

Dom: you do?

Julia: yes omg

Dom: what artists do you like besides them?

Julia: ehm

Julia: i must admit i love harry styles ahaha

Dom: bro me too don't worry

Julia: he's amazing on stage and stuff

Dom: yeah i'd love to see him live again

Julia: me too :)

Julia: oh and i love billie eilish

Dom: good choice

Julia: and YUNGBLUD with all capital letters

Dom: hahahahaha jula

Julia: what? i'm serious

Julia: also do you keep calling me jula on purpose or is it a typo

Dom: on purpose haha i like it

Julia: ....

Dom: :)

Dom: anyways since you're a big fan i'll make sure you're the first one to hear a song from me once i'm all satisfied with it

Julia: omg really??

Dom: yeah!

Dom: i'm writing a song right now which is called polygraph eyes and tbh i'm the proudest of this one so i think that'll be the one you'll hear

Julia: i like the title

Dom: thank u love

Julia: what's it about?

Dom: it's weird because most of the time i write about my own feelings and things i struggle with but this song is about a girl who gets sexually harassed by a boy

Dom: it sounds ridiculous like that but in the song i kinda describe how that's so fucking wrong and how guys should just leave girls alone

Julia: wow

Julia: that's so cool i like that concept

Julia: i think i'm gonna love the song

Dom: i hope so:)

Julia: well i think i have to go

Julia: i heard someone coming up the driveway so i think that's my boyfriend

Dom: that's alright

Julia: take care have a good night

Dom: you too x

doncaster city lights | YUNGBLUDWhere stories live. Discover now